MovieChat Forums > The Walking Dead (2010) Discussion > Could Walkers be used as type of perpetu...

Could Walkers be used as type of perpetual motion device?

You know,a limitless source of power? Have a whole team of them pull plows or buggies,being led with blinders and a rat in a cage in front. Like leading a donkey with a carrot on a stick! They could turn a grain mill, because that's just walking in circles. Get them turning some power generators while they're at it. I see a green future with clean, sustainable zombie power!


That idea was actually used by a group of pirates in the Z NATION comic miniseries earlier this year (put together by that show's co-creator). They didn't blindfold the zombies; they put a live person in there and had the zombies follow him around.


Is the show or comic any good?


I've not read the comic but the show is more entertaining than TWD. It's not afraid to poke fun at itself and comes up with some pretty bonkers stuff. I say go for it.


I'll check it out,thanks.


They're both a blast. The comic was only a miniseries--a six-issue prequel to the tv shows. The series is great. It takes a few eps for it to find itself--the pilot is pretty rough and the first few eps imperfect--but by the 4th ep, it's cooking with gas and pretty much stays good. A lot better than THE WALKING DEAD.


Nice. I see they are on Netflix. I'll probably start this weekend.


I love the comics. It adds a great other depth to the show. Issue 174 just came out. You can read them all for free on Youtube (shh). Also, there is a 16 part comic of Negan's backstory. It does not spoil anything for the show. It's called "Here's Negan" . That is also on YT.

Edit - Sorry - I am referring to TWD


The compendiums are very affordable. I'll get them some day.


There was an article on Jalopnik a while back with some designs for zombie (albeit GoT zombies) powered vehicles. Quite entertaining. But yeah, definitely a source of energy until they full rot and can't walk. I envision putting a bunch of them strapped to beams, walking around in circles, pushing around a central post that turns like a turbine.

There's also the theory of making zombie diesel with lye and methanol but that might be complete fantasy that I read somewhere.


Sounds great. If poor oxen can be used, why not walkers !


That is a fantastic idea but ethically, I think some would have a problem with it. 🤗


Also, the walkers would still have to be fed.


No , just put a human up front so that they would be constantly going after him.


Why, it's not like they'll die.


The reintroduction of slavery would set United States civil rights back over 150 years but, hey! They're dead.


Yep, all sorts of undead SJW coming around hahaha😂
