MovieChat Forums > The Walking Dead (2010) Discussion > Ratings Nosedive - lowest since 2011

Ratings Nosedive - lowest since 2011

This show is losing millions of viewers this season compared to the past, started at a low mark and has lost almost 4 million more since the premiere. Has not had numbers this low since season 2.

Of course even 'low' ratings for this huge show are pretty good by most standards, but the fact remains, people are giving up on this series in droves more & more.

I must say the quality has plummeted when you compare it to how good it used to be. Personally I don't look forward to the new episodes even 1/5th as much as I used to when it was more compelling. Too many bad characters introduced, and the plot is a cluttered mess of uninteresting and convoluted subplots.

I miss the days of the core group just trying to survive in a more 'realistic' post-apocalypse scenario.


I agree, I miss those early days. The most interesting episodes have them ALL together.


I know people who stopped watching because of the dumbing down of the characters. Many people are upset that Rick didn't kill Neagan when he was out in the open during the first episode. I thought tonight's show was dumb when Michonne looked away during a fight with someone holding a weapon.


What really aggravated me about the Michonne/Rosita scene was when Daryl smashed into the speaker-truck with a bigger truck. He's just suddenly there--in the nick of time--to cut off the Saviour's escape and save the day. Where did he find the truck? It just happened to be operable and nearby? And why was he even following Michonne anyway?

That was just as stupidly convenient as all the nick-of-time savings of King Zeke in the previous episode.


That truck scene was such a cliche, too. I've seen it multiple times in movies.

It's obvious that the writers and directors don't know how to do action adventure which is what they wanted this season to focus on. They're trying to interject excitement, suspense, and shock, but it's not working. What saved last night's episode for me was the conversation between Siddiq and Carl, but then they ruined it with the poorly directed walker attack.


Silly deus ex machina crap


/I miss the days of the core group just trying to survive in a more 'realistic' post-apocalypse scenario./

same here.


Yep, 100% agreed. TWD was at its best in those early days post outbreak, when they were just trying to survive from day to day. Killing off characters that should not be dead and keeping those that should be dead are also unacceptable.

I'm hoping the show drops the comics direction and a massive horde shows up and drives everyone out of Hilltop, Kingdom, and Alexandria--and wipes out nearly everyone but some of our old core group, and this forces them to go somewhere else, such as the midwest United States.

Because if the rest of the series is to remain in Alexandria, that's not really very exciting.

Something is weird with Bear's music lately too, the one on one emotional scenes, that are supposed to be emotional anyway, have these terrible tunes that don't really fit well. You can tell for the action scenes he wants to use Governor's theme so bad, there are a ton of those uses in the last episode, but has to remix it slightly so it's not exactly Governor's theme.


I'm hoping the show drops the comics direction and a massive horde shows up and drives everyone out of Hilltop, Kingdom, and Alexandria--and wipes out nearly everyone but some of our old core group, and this forces them to go somewhere else, such as the midwest United States.

This is desperately needed. Hordes driving them away would be great thing for the audience. We need a new locale, and earth changes, you know, tornadoes, wind, rain ,snow etc.


Agreed. TWD was better when they didn't stick too closely to the comic and were actually trying to improve on it.

I think it's not by chance that the quality of the show started to deteriorate when they decided to follow the comics more closely. A direct transposition just doesen't work.

Steering away would be the saving grace of this show, but alas it's never going to happen. Not with this production team.

I noticed that McCreary's music took a dive too. Nowadays he's just doing the bare minimum, like he's bored out of his mind. It becomes more jarring rewatching the older seasons and comparing TWD against the constant excellence of his work on Outlander.


I think it is about the same in terms of the story quality. To me the first really bad season was Terminus that opened with that human slaughterhouse scene. I stopped watching for years after that. They really love to delve into the worst of human nature. But the whole Jeffrey Dean Morgan Negan thing is just stupid, and killing Glenn and Abraham off like that seemed to only be so it would make writing the next season easier. It's just a TV show though.
