MovieChat Forums > The Walking Dead (2010) Discussion > Did one of the workers fire or raise a g...

Did one of the workers fire or raise a gun?

Hello, first a disclaimer: I watched the last episode with the sound turned down (closed captioning only) and on a modestly sized tv. I wasn't able to give 100% attention to the episode for personal reasons.

Anyway, when the female Savior shot one of the workers, it seemed as if she was going to shoot the one that was complaining the most, but then it appeared that there was another worker in the back that had raised or fired his gun. It seemed she shot this worker but it wasn't clear if he was one of the workers that was complaining/making threats or if he was some unrelated, disgruntled worker. Was it supposed to be clear which particular worker she shot?



Yes, I believe she shot a worker, dead because they were complaining about no water, or something. Not sure which one. No, the worker did NOT have a gun, just complaints.


I got a chance to look at it again with the sound on and pay full attention. Some worker DID pull a gun out, Gavin yelled 'Gun!' and that's when the Savior shot the worker before he could shoot. It's not clear who the worker was trying to shoot or what he was trying to accomplish.

Also, it appears that he was shot in the torso, which is weird because it would have to be a really good shot to shoot someone in the torso in that crowd without hitting anyone else. It didn't appear he was downed with a head shot. Although I've complained about how unrealistic the shooting scenes are, I guess I can let this slide even though I think you'd have to thread a needle to shoot that guy the way she did.

It's possible there is an entire subplot that I've missed related to that worker getting the gun and trying to take a shot.



The subplot regarding the gun started with this incident. There is a later scene where they have a bag of recovered guns that turned up after I guess they tossed the workers quarters and they're trying to work out where they got them from. They were stolen from the armoury by scarface and he must have stashed them and they found them. Unless he gave them to them which would not be too intelligent.
