America is so huge...

.... why don't they just bgger off somewhere else where there's less weirdos? Somewhere like Napa where there might be wine.


that would make way too much sense.


they already went from Atlanta to somewhere close to DC. I think somewhere like Wyoming would have a low population density but then you wouldn't have much of a show to watch.


Most other places are probably similar in that there are good and bad people in the areas so better to stick with what they know till they can't stay there anymore. Like the prison.


Well yeah. Just abandon Alexandria and the stupid squabbles with Negan's Territory, and head west, till you reach the Great Plains. Animal life would be flourishing again, plenty of food to eat, wide open spaces to see who is coming from a distance, and a peaceful place to live. Tornados and Severe Thunderstorms would still be an issue in the hot summer months though, but worth it over constantly being attacked by other humans and the East Coast walker population which, lets face it, would be 10 times more than the Midwest.


Suggest the OPPOSITE to Rick, please; he doesn't do sensible too well. LOL


Yeah, they've found safe havens before, they could again. The fact that there seems to be a huge amount of nutters in the region they have based themselves, and nutters are harder to kill than zombies, would make me want to head West, and away from densely populated areas.

Anyway I had a trawl on the interwebs and these might be of interest for anyone who wants to plot out locations on a map, or visit if you are a mad fan of the show.

First of all, Season 7 locations (in the show, not filming locations) and their distance to each other:

Then someone has meticulously plotted all of the Walking Dead comic book locations onto a google map:

Thirdly, the locations used in filming - second link on a handy google map:

Sadly none of these are in Napa. Where there might be wine.
