Fu**ing Eugene

After Sasha & Rosita heard Eugene's speech over the walkie talkie, why or how did they still think he'd go with them?
It was pretty obvious that he liked his new position and was getting off on the status. They should have just shot him instead of saying 'we're rescuing you'. He didn't want to be rescued. He is Negan.



Did he redeem himself with his "compassionate" poison? Or was it just the easiest way to solve a problem?


Nah that wasn't compassion, he was calling Sasha's bluff. he knew she wanted the knife to kill Negan with so he gave her poison instead, which will be a lot harder to use on Negan. Sasha looked super pissed when she got the pill instead of a knife.


He outsmarted her, like he can outsmart all women!


So what if he turned Negan? He's Eugene Porter, idiot-savant-coward-extradenaire.

Anyone in his shoes, with his skills, and the lack of the necessary skills for that world, would instantly jump on the opportunity to be one of Negan's trusted friends.

People are so quick to judge, without realizing that they are exactly the same way to whom they are criticizing.




In a recent interview the actor pointed out that he wants Eugene to be "good" again and crawling back kissing Ricks a** because he dont want to piss fans off. But he doesnt want to know what Eugene really has in mind and only plays his lines scene by scene. Interesting approach to not knowing the character youre playing.



Well, I don't know about him kissing Ricks ass to appease the fans. I think that's pretty shallow and short sighted for an actor. Plus, don't many actors like playing the bad guy because it's such an opposite character to their true self, so if they are really hated, it means they are doing the character well?

Anyways, I like his acting approach to the character. I don't even think Eugene knows who he is and what he wants. I think he's playing it by ear, so the actor is playing it by scene. It makes sense.


I don't think that's any way to play a long-standing character , the actor is afraid of "no autographs " at conventions 🙄


I've always been on the fence about Eugene, but if he really is on the Savior's side now I really hate his character. I'm still hoping he has a secret revenge plan.


Yeah like if he ends up killing Negan.


Eugene is going to get the bat


I was hoping Carl would shoot him tbh.
