MovieChat Forums > The Walking Dead (2010) Discussion > So glad .... MAJOR SPOILERS FOR TONIGHT ...


Richard the freakin' coward is dead, and so glad Morgan came around to the "kill theory" [winks]


and Carol finally knows the truth.

You and I posted at the same time so I deleted mine. I thought Logan Miller's character Benjamin had so much potential. What a shame Richard's subterfuge didn't work out as planned. Another example of a solitary man's planning falling short. Whacha think?

I like the Nabila character.


Richard's plan didn't work?


Not his initial plan, spreerod1538, no. It backfired onto Benjamin.


Yes, indeed. I did not like the Richard character , at all. I KNEW he would turn out to be havoc for the rest of them. He said he had ' the fight' in him, but it was diluted by his sorrow and inaction. Glad he's gone.


I wondered where you were after posting yest. Hiya 😀!!!

Richard was too antsy, too impatient. I figured he'd get his self killed, and the same with Rosita and Sasha. We all know what happens to those told to stay put, then they don't. If Rick weren't the lead he'd have died a longgg time back.

I wasn't surprised he died, but still hated to see him go even though there've been many I didn't like being finished off.


His plan was to make Ezekiel want to fight and sacrifice himself, which he did. Obviously, it didn't work out perfectly, but it still worked nonetheless.


This was a MUCH better episode than the previous week (last week's episode was probably the worst of the season). I actually felt sorry for Richard. The scene where he pours out his background story to Morgan was kind of moving to hear. Very sad that he had to see his daughter starve to death in front of his eyes after three days.

And Richard didn't mean for Benjamin to get killed. His whole plan was to sacrifice himself. He had no idea that Savior would shoot somebody so randomly.

Still, there was a lot of danger in Richard's plan as well. What if the Saviors became so angry they imprisoned or killed more than Benjamin? Richard was putting a lot of faith into him being the sacrificial pawn and having it work out as planned.


Much better episode, yes, but what, 3 long one sided speeches? One from Richard and 2 from Morgan.

I've noticed in past episodes when a lesser character's going to die, the writers focus on that character more than usual sort of in a contemplative way. I knew Benjamin was going to die tonight within the first 10 minutes, and was thinking "Gosh, this is the last time I'll see him. Well, there goes his short time on TWD."

"Still, there was a lot of danger in Richard's plan as well. What if the Saviors became so angry they imprisoned or killed more than Benjamin? Richard was putting a lot of faith into him being the sacrificial pawn and having it work out as planned." Yep, and if you can't control the outcome...


Exactly! Richard actually is selfish, in a way. He must have know it would work out poorly for other folks. No, I feel no sorrow for his death.


That was by far the best episode in a long time. I feel so bad for Morgan, but happy for Carol.


It was a good episode, yet tense.



The man had more guts in his pinky than that stupid stick-waving kung-fu wannabe pruneface has shown in the whole series, in my humble opinion. Effing self-righteus idiot of a character. I can't stand his pathetic messiah complex and the way it's handled; it suited John Carroll Lynch's character and the actor carried it admirably, but in Morgan it's irksome and grating.



about time Morgan stop with that "no Kill" BS.


Yep, AND Carol's isolation from the 'real' world!




IMO, I didn't think Richard a coward. He was a strong ally, and was actually the driving force behind the fight against the Saviors. He, like Rosita and Sasha, just really didn't think thngs through, as in what's best for the Whole.

I'm open to persuasion otherwise, lennonforever.


Yeah I didn't get the coward thing either... but because I don't watch this show super carefully I thought the OP maybe knew something cowardly he did in the past that I had forgotten about. He knew from the last encounter that he would be targeted if anything went wrong with their tribute so it wasn't an unreasonable plan. He was trying to create a Pearl Harbor or 9/11 type event by martyring himself in order to inspire Ezekiel to go to war. (No disrespect meant to veterans or civilians killed in using this analogy, just pointing out the catalyst aspect of his plan). I don't get why Morgan killed him either, he should have been saving that rage for the Saviors instead of taking out a brave warrior.


I really thought Morgan's explanation for killing Richard would backfire, and his action Will have consequences, I'm sure.

"he should have been saving that rage for the Saviors instead of taking out a brave warrior." Absolutely!


but because I don't watch this show super carefully I thought the OP maybe knew something cowardly he did in the past that I had forgotten about

Well, never, I can't cite book and verse about Richard, but from the moment he was introduced, he stuck me as a whiny, cry baby without a sound plan for any thing. He was haphazard in his actions, he was all fury but very reckless! That is the key adjective I would use to describe him. Everyone has a sob story in the ZA. He had no right to risk others with his reckless plans. Remember he and Daryl went out , and he tried to convince Daryl to ambush the Saviors coming by on the highway?


Richard sounded desperate and crazy because he saw what the others hadn't. Right now our own world hangs perilously close in the balance because of the Doomsday clock... but most of us go on with our lives obliviously like there is no war and overpopulation and climate change isn't an issue. Richard is like the "woke" person in your group that annoys everyone for being too heavy all the time but he actually knew what was up before anyone else.


"Richard is like the "woke" person in your group that annoys everyone for being too heavy all the time but he actually knew what was up before anyone else." I agree, Sentient Meat. Richard's downfall though was trying to Force the others into 'waking up'. People simply cannot be forced.


In real life I'm very liberal and generally dislike any warfare except when absolutely necessary but in this case I'd rather fight and die than put up with Negan's shit. What the writers should do is have spies implanted inside each community to create more tension within each group. Because there is no spy network, it makes these people seem like idiots for continuing to put up with this situation. I get that they are traumatized from what happened to Glenn and Abraham and some of the other things they've witnessed, but the creators haven't really explained why Negan can't be overthrown other than numerical superiority so their passivity makes no sense. It will be interesting to see how Rosita and Sasha's assassination attempt goes.


"but the creators haven't really explained why Negan can't be overthrown other than numerical superiority" Numerical superiority WITH weapons AND willing to kill to retain that superiority. I think Rick's group, and the others who've agreed to join him/them are being reasonable in their caution. LOL Rick reasonable..Ha!


I get that we saw with the first encounters how Negan's group overwhelmed them when they previously thought they had healthy numbers. But we've seen how there are unhappy people in the group, they should be trying to infiltrate the Saviors, send spies to assess exactly how strong they are and what are their vulnerabilities. I laughed when they gave an exact calculation last week of the number of guns they needed because they've done no recon to determine exactly what they need. From what I've seen, if they kill Negan and about five to ten leaders the rest should be easy but the writers have no interest in exploring this like true warfare strategy so I'm guessing this fight will be all about cool special effects and numbers with the only setback based around the armored zombie army.


" the writers have no interest in exploring" You said it all right there, Sentient Meat!!!

From the writers point of view: Just do what you minimally need to do so wecan string this out for many many more years while we rake in the money.Don't worry fellas, we'll be RICH.

I'm hanging in because I've been watching from the first.


"Richard is like the "woke" person in your group that annoys everyone for being too heavy all the time but he actually knew what was up before anyone else. "

I get what you are saying Meat, but he had that problem with the Kingdom people and King E who did NOT want to fight or cause a stir. Now if he were in ASZ or Hilltop he could have put all his power into a plan, as they are open to one, well at least they are now.


Yeah, he was unlucky to have fallen into that particular group.


I definitely don't think Richard is a coward, I think he was willing to die for the greater good and it's just unfortunate that it backfired on Benjamin (I agree that we guessed he was going to die when they focused on him and his relationship with his little brother). I was annoyed that Morgan killed Richard and risked Benjamin dying in vain.. Richard is another strong fighter who they are going to miss now.


yes they telegraphed Benjamin's death way too obviously... the sudden attention to his character... and then the dramatic moment where Carol tells him to go with the group.


Oh yes, absolutely. Especially since we all know he dug the 'bury me here' grave.


Did they? Or have we not seen the grave filled in yet?


Didn't Morgan drag Richard's body to the grave and place him in it? We don't see the actual interment, but we see Morgan digging and he comes upon the back pack with "Katy".
