TWD - becoming fantasy/scifi mash -up
1. As the world evolves we find new "kingdoms" - the last with the garbage people reminded me strongly of Mad Max.
2. The parallels to the Lord of the Rings/Hobbit are so obviuos now. First to have the big war coming between evil Sauron/Negan and his Ork and Haradhrim armies and on the other Hand Rick/Aragorn and Ezeckiel/Elrond of Rivendell. Eugene has to be the Frodo who is destroying Mordor/Saviours realm from inside.
3. You could also see "the battle of the five armies" in here: 1. Saviours 2.Ricks Gang 3. GarbagePeople 4.Kingdom+Hilltop 5. River Amazones.
4. Next parallel we had in last nights episode. The "king" dialogue between Michonne and Rick could come directly from Arwen and Aragorn in the Lord of the Rings movies.
Your thoughts on this?