MovieChat Forums > The Walking Dead (2010) Discussion > I miss the immediacy of conversational, ...

I miss the immediacy of conversational, back-and-forth posts.....

Granted, this site is still in its infancy. And I'm sure I'm spoiled by the user experience from the IMDB message boards....but where is everybody? Where are all the conversations?? At IMDB, you'd go there at any given hour of the day....and you'd see 50 new discussions launched, each with lots and lots of posts and back & forth contributions. Lots of activity. Maybe this site will slowly gain some traction through good word of mouth. Hopefully. IMDB left a huge vacuum, and big shoes to fill...


It'll happen. This site has more activity than the other replacement sites and most people still don't know about it. Just spread the word.

Notice that there are no trolls.


Sadly, Keelai, they are here.


Indeed there are and they are active.


This has been one of the busier boards as it's for a popular show, I keep checking back here and there have been plenty of posts.



Don't you get bored posting that same comment all day every day??



"and big shoes to fill... " I've NO doubt MovieChat will fill those big shoes and need a much larger size eventually.

"this site is still in its infancy." Yep, it's exciting to see something special being built from the ground up. I don't think we'll ever be able to THANK Jim enough. Patience, IMO, is the key during the developmental stage. But then again, I prefer homecooking over microwave. Also, microwave doesn't have the same flavor either.


start open threads, bump them now and then and most important :spread the word. there are imdb groups on facebook.


Im hoping by the season 8 premiere we'll have IMDb level type activity here or at least something close to it. I do miss the days of logging on and seeing countless threads that would just suck you right in. Fun times. I think one day we'll get back to that again. Hopefully soon.


Right. It's kind of a bummer to go to a page for one of your favorite shows or movies and see that the last posts were from months ago. :) Well, Rome wasn't built in a day. I do see this site gaining traction....


This board seems to be a little more active than it was at this time last week. Definitely a lot more active threads.


I wonder how traffic has been on IMDB lately? Be interesting to see if it's gone down by a significant amount.


I really hope they fail miserably! I haven't been back since they closed the boards except to delete my account.
