MovieChat Forums > The Walking Dead (2010) Discussion > Please please ged rid of the trolls here...

Please please ged rid of the trolls here!



I've never understood the problem with trolls. If some jerk is being a jerk, you just put him on ignore. What is this, rocket science?
Seems to me the real issue was all the "triggered" hothouse flowers that went running to the admins every time someone was "mean" to them. For God's sake, just IGNORE TROLLS!.
(sorry for the caps:)\

This site needs a couple buttons on the thread heading line: one to block the thread, and one to block the thread creator as well. Simple. Take 20 minutes to code that, and trolls will be silenced as fast as they can create socks and threads.


The problem really is manageable. IMDB just made no real effort in that regard. People could post the most vile hate-filled rants over and over again, and never get banned. Trolls would even taunt everyone else on the board, saying we'd never be rid of them no matter how much we complained, ha ha ha ha ha!!! And STILL nothing happened to them. Like I said, it doesn't take a genius to figure out who the trolls are. It always makes me laugh when people imply that culling the trolls is such a huuuuge impossible task

Well said chris!


The funny part in this is that lennonforever is a troll himself and would say horrible things about gay people on IMDb. Now he wants to whine about others.


Lol, I saw alot of that during the shutdown.


What did i say about gay people? Never did I say anything, you are lying!


You act like nobody on IMDb ever read the Young And The Restless message boards and the nasty things you said about Meredith Baxter's sexuality, along with anybody else who was gay irl.


Oh that's right, but I'm pretty sure it was aimed at Birney, only.


When the internet started, the community was mostly college educated people who were wealthy enough to afford a computer and an internet connection. Now that those barriers have been removed, it will be impossible to expect the same level of civility as when the net was first born. The best strategy to deal with trolls is to have a good block function and when that fails, to simply ignore their provocative comments.


I've thought twice about 'getting rid' of the trolls, and so should you. We're being censored slowly but surely, and they're using the trolling comments as an EXCUSE.

Facebook and Google are two sites which will start to censor comments for TOXIC comments. Not to mention the sites that already do. Our constitutional RIGHT to speak freely is in jeopardy!!!

Ignore the trolls, don't feed them, don't respond. If we censor their comments, everyone's comments will be censored, or we'll be unable to speak freely at all.

Have you actually read the examples they give for 'TOXIC' comments? I have the gift of Discernment, and I'm telling you, going by Their examples we'll all be TOLD what we can and cannot say.
