MovieChat Forums > Haven (2010) Discussion > Some body please persuade me to watch th...

Some body please persuade me to watch this as this show got cancelled.

I need some cool and indulging views about this show which would tempt me to start watching this show. I have not downloaded the show yet but I want to when I read the recent article on IMDB about the top 20 horror TV shows in the last 25 years. I had seen 17 of the listed shows as I am a big horror thing fan and only three titles I missed. This 'Haven' and the other two were 'Being Human' and 'Grimm'. So anyone? Need to have some compelling inclination in form of comments under actors performances, storyline, romance level?


Okay, here goes! Of course you will get responses from all sides of the fandom, so please understand that this is coming from only one fan, who loved a particular pairing between the two main detectives on the show. You will read others, but if you want a pretty doggone epic romance, this show has it. At times it will make you want to pull your hair out and throw things, but all in all, I found it satisying.

As far as being a horror or Sci fi lover, I was more the latter. This show has a supernatural base, which builds over the seasons and was a pretty original concept. There's a smattering of horror, but nothing on the level of The Grudge or anything too creepy or bloody. If I were to liken it to another series, I'd say it's a blend of Fringe, Supernatural and Once Upon a Time, with humor, mystery and mythology mixed in.

The first couple episodes were a little rough in the acting department, from many characters, as they found their footing. But the show steadily improves and by the end of season 1, you'll either be hooked or bail. The leads just get more and more attractive and appealing as time goes on too. I'm not talking about all of them, but you'll see what I mean.  The onscreen chemistry was palpable, as the actors became real life friends and grew into a very tight knit family.

The series just wrapped after 5 seasons (actually 6, since the season 5 was double the normal episodes and split into 5a and 5b), after they were given the opportunity to give it a proper and fitting end. I enjoyed the last season more than the couple preceding it, where you could tell they were just stretching things out by adding filler and plots that never really went anywhere.

Anyhow, I would definitely recommend it on a whole, but suggest that you go into it with only moderate expectations. Don't take it too seriously and you won't be disappointed. I'm actually proud of myself for not bashing any characters in the process or trying to sway you against anyone in particular. Others may not be so kind. This was a VERY tough fandom to be a part of at times. 


I think you already convinced yourself to watch it but if you need someone to curse at for telling you to watch and you hate it, then use me.
Now my convincing "WATCH IT"! I bought the DVD set for all seasons, that's how much I liked it.


One more thing, I'm guessing from premiere to finale takes place in a year and a half time frame. Season 1-3 are 6 months & 6 months for Season 4-5B & there is a 6 months time jump between 3 & 4 (2 month time frame for each season).
And if you do watch, take your time. It is not a series that you rush through, just like any Stephen King stuff.


It is not a horror show as such. It is a great combination of mystery, fantasy and supernatural. Unpredictable as any Steven King's creations. But the show is great. It was not cancelled. It just came to an end.


If you have to be persuaded into doing something, then I think you're making a mistake from the very beginning.

Give it a shot.


My feeling was the time ever frame was longer. Yes the meteror storm happens every 27 yrs, but I think they all are in town for 2 to 3 yrs. One is the 6 months time jump, and Audrey and Nathan talked about why did they wait so long. Six months prior to her going into to the barn of waiting to be in a relationship is not long. It would have taken more than a few weeks for Nathan to get accepted into the guard even with the tattoo. She was involved briefly with Chris and he left town for at least 3 months. Tommy was in town for a few weeks as least. There were too many troubles to solve in that short time frame. That would be solving one every couple of days,


Do you have absolutely nothing else to do and about 78 hours to fill? If so, then go ahead and watch it. There are worse things you could do. I don't know. *shrug*


All I am going to say is if you were a fan of TV shows like Fringe, Eureka and the X Files you might like Haven too. I loved Fringe and this show being so similar was one of the things that drew me to it and I have watched the full series 3 times now and never get tired of it.

My only complaint was it didn't go longer.


Cut it out and get off the floor
Because it doesn't make you matter more
Veda very shining
Who will you wait up for
Life, love, heaven, death
Is that what makes you such a mess
Veda very shining


All I am going to say is if you were a fan of TV shows like Fringe, Eureka and the X Files you might like Haven too. I loved Fringe and this show being so similar was one of the things that drew me to it and I have watched the full series 3 times now and never get tired of it.

My only complaint was it didn't go longer.

Same here. The X-Files and Fringe (two of the best TV shows, in my eyes) are what got me into this show. I have to disagree about it going on any longer as it wore out it's welcome after it became The Duke Show.


My only complaint was it didn't go longer.
Yeah, the way it ended left things unresolved. I guess they didn't get word of the cancellation until after they had finished filming season 5.
When Duke let out the trouble bomb through his 'flying black tears' it set up a season 6 which never happened. Haven was hit with a trouble epidemic, which was never resolved. Charlotte may have been able to help with the troubles. And Audrey was back to being Audrey again. Would she be somehow enhanced with any residual powers transferred from Mara as she died? Vince and Dave were investigating the Croatoan mystery and its connection with the troubles, and that was not resolved.
All that stuff was left unanswered with the abrupt ending of the show.


Hi. I'm just curious, based on your post, as to whether you've actually seen the end or just the end of 5a, which concluded with Duke blowing up and shooting Troubles to everyone in Haven? I'm guessing you watched the series, after it ended, on Netflix perhaps? Because, Netflix never added the last 13 episodes from the second half of season 5, known as 5b, the series finale, and containing episodes 14-24 (technically season 6). The show ended with pretty definitive answers on most things, because the showrunners were told to wrap it up, just in case. They filmed two endings, just in case they got a go ahead for a second chapter, but the trouble epidemic was resolved, the mystery of Croatoan was answered and Audrey did what she was meant to do.

Since it's not on Netflix, you may have to purchase the DVD or BluRay to see how it concludes. I got my copy on Amazon and it included commentary on every episode up until the end, which explains how the show ended the way they wrote it in 1998, when it was originally conceived as a 10 episode mini series.

Here's the link to the final season, in case you are interested.

Hope this helps. :)


Thanks, I didn't know about those other episodes.

