MovieChat Forums > Haven (2010) Discussion > Favourite and Worst season

Favourite and Worst season

I remember season two being much better than the first and finding its own identity. No longer was it just an 'X-Files rip-off.

The last two seasons were pretty convoluted, but I remember feeling confused by the declining quality in four.


It is hard for me to pick one season so I am going to have to say my favourite seasons were Two and Three and my least favourite season was Season 5 Part 1. I didn't hate the final two seasons like some other Haven fans did and I think Emily Rose did a wonderful job playing Mara but I just felt her character was disappointing and there was so many things the writers could have done with her that they didn't do. This was a character that cursed the entire town with the Troubles 'cause she hated humans and I think it would have been better if she had been more powerful and villainous.

For example Mara should have killed Vince, Dave or Jennifer.


It don't matter if it's raining
Nothing can phase me
I make my own sunshine
And if you think you can break me
Baby, you're crazy
I make my own sunshine


I really like Emily Rose and the later scripts must have given her a headache. Mara was like the bad twin, but she should have been more sociopathic, or at the least, capable of redemption. As she was, was kind of pointless. I agree.


Strong point!!! Dumb phone


The first 3 seasons were definitely the best. Whenthe focus was on the three main leads was its strain point. I think the Series made an awful mistake bringing in William and the pointless origin of the troubles. If written different and no unnecessary expansion of the original cast, i think we'd still be watching it on tv for a few more seasons.



Agree about season 4. The first three seasons were so amazing for me! Like you I expected so much more. The origins of the troubles and William Mara completely dissapointed me. I saw those interviews too where the creators promised a complete mythology explained. I have to also wonder if The writers changed the mythology starting season 4. If so then i would love to hear from the creators of Haven who had it all mapped out from the start as to what was changed. I agree about Jordan she was an asset as was Dwight. But the main three leads Audrey Nathan and Duke were always my favorites. I found them to be so well written and acted that they were just perfect for their roles.i miss Haven still and would have preferred that the three main all survived in the end. the first episode will always be one of my favorite shows of all time.



I did like tommy when he first arrived i thought hed make a great addition to haven pd. He wasn't a favorite though. I want to know what started the change with the writers. Theres no way tgat the original origins of the troubles was just mara being a total evil brat for no reason at all just for fun she said. Thats a slap in the face to all the devoted fans!!



Thanks for your reply too!!! I too feel the same way....the writers totally swerved in a lighter cheaper direction come season 4. I need to look up see if they've done any interviews since. Season 4 was the worst for me. When i do a rewatching always the first 3 seasons are my favorite. I too had the origins of tge troubles to be something bigger than the Audrey entity...she would be involved for sure but not the maker of it all. I figured the guard and several key figures in town lije vince and dave max hansen the rev were all involved somehow. Whatever happened to the guard tattoo coming and going??? and Julia...i thought she had a clue about it all too. I hated the Jennifer door summoning idea. Definitely dont think mara and william being bored creating the troubles for fun was the original intention of the shows creators showrunners. Thrres too many clues that were pointing other directions. Darker like you said exactly.



Definitely dont think mara and william being bored creating the troubles for fun was the original intention of the shows creators showrunners.

No way this was in the original plans! Either they were winging it all along

Well, if you read the official comic book that come with the Haven Season 4 DVD it actually showed Mara giving the people in Haven the Troubles and it was Mara who wanted to curse them 'cause she saw humans as being beneath her and William was trying to talk her out of doing it 'cause he was worried there would be consequences. I think the original reason Mara did it was 'cause she was evil and hated humans but they didn't make her evil and powerful enough when she took over Audrey's body in Season 5. Mara was really powerful in the comic book and I feel they made a mistake depowering her and I would have liked to have seen a bigger face off between Audrey and Mara when they were split similar to the fight Angel had with Angelus in Season 4 of Angel with Audrey winning.


Fun Fact of the Day: Debbie loves cute animals and Beccy and her have 🐶🐇🐇🐖🐴🐠



I have every season blu ray of haven and have been a loyal fan since day one. I too read the comic. Im saying i highly doubt this was the original intention of the series showrunners back in seasons one tgey were saying they had a bible of the show outlining everything....if you notice just how suddenly the show took several turns in season four away from its original stories involving the guard the rev even haven origins shorts
Suddenly we had William a character out if nowhere become a major factor in tge troubles origins. for mara i just dont get it really...their reason for creating the troubles was to have fun? Please i just keep thinking there had to be more to it was a real letdown!!!
I dont see the Audrey entity as being that evil in any incarnation. .it was disappointing to see that unfold....however as usual Emily Rose rocked every scene and turned in an excellent dual role. But i do think season four hurt the show and may have contributed to its cancellation



Yeah we agree on this . I was trying yo reply to debloves comment asking did i read the comic. yes i have and like you i believe seadon 4 was when it all went off the rails.
Still would live to see tgat original show mythology bible! !! Would be very interesting. I too do rewatching



Yes i did notice that...i mean the other personalities were still kinda similar to Audrey...remember Dave's comment underneath it all she's still the same. So im wondering if probably wrong but i think that Audrey is back personality wise same as she was as Lexi ...I've rewatching it twice and i will again but could it be another Lexi situation, remember she was laying it on pretty thick trying to be Lexi. Or could be wrong and its just another overlay.
Of course i would have preferred Audrey parker back no questions at the end



Im going to rewatch again. Lol. I miss Haven! ! That show really made you think!! Yes i noticed paige was very different from the rest...a mix of sarah in there with the flirting...lexi?? Could it be audrey playing the part of Paige just lije season four. ..or a new quite different overlay. I think they said paige was the new personality but im hoping its audrey Parker! !!



Audrey is my favorite tv character for sure!! The show is my favorite show ever! I would've loved yo seen those documents! ! Yes the first three seasons were the best everything changed season four


Unlike a lot of people here, S4 was one of my favorites. I loved the evolution of the relationship between Duke/Nathan and Jennifer was a very intriguing character. The very end of S4/S5 were the weakest to me because the whole Lexie/William and then Audrey/Mara story was so boring and forced.



My least favorite was season five. I didn't like Mara for one thing. She was a constant downer.

I didn't mind season 4 as much, but I like the first three seasons better than the last two.


Season 2 was easily the best. Season 5 was the worst. I think if I had to rank them all, it's something like 2, 1, 3, 4, 5. Can't decide between 1 and 3 but I'm pretty strong on the rest.
