MovieChat Forums > Haven (2010) Discussion > So how did the barn manufacture baby Jam...

So how did the barn manufacture baby James

or did they snatch him from somebody else and took away the somebody else's memory which is now what brunette Audrey carries. So there's a mother out there with not only her baby snatched but her memories too.


I think the barn used the aethers to create James. The barn is jam packed with all the aethers from Haven and from the Void. They created Lizzie, it pretty easy to create James, they could made James as twins if they want too.

Nope, there's no mother missing her son anywhere too hahaha
It's really funny when you could come up with this kind of thread.
No offense hehe


When last we saw James in 3.13 he was healing inside the barn. They can change Audrey's looks and send her back out, so I figure they can do the same with James. They just chose to send him back as a baby, to give Nathan and Audrey/Paige the chance to raise their own son, without the threat of the troubles now. The showrunners confirmed it is, in fact, their son James. So happy about that. They also said if they'd come back for more, it would have picked up a little later with Paige beginning to remember.


James is a special baby in that he is half other world and half our world. That doesn't make him special except his mother has aether running through her blood thus 'so does James?'. He is truly the 'first child' of the Aether so what effect will it have on him (other worldly + our world + the Void). Could he become more dangerous than Mara ever was without himself knowing it or even Croatian? He's just a baby again with no control and we saw how protective Audrey & Nathan are towards each other so think how bad it could get if it was their child that was in danger (this thought gives me the willys).


there is no aether, so he is a normal baby and has no powers. audrey/paige has no aether now either.


I am on season 3 and had wondered how close Nathan got to Sarah on the beach and thought maybe The Colorado Kid was their son.

Death lies dormant in each of us and will bloom in time. Odd Thomas


I saw it as Audrey got pregnant by Nathan not long before she went into the new barn, when she discovered she was pregnant Cpt Kirk had enough love for his new grandson to keep the barn going and that allowed Audrey to leave and go back to Haven, with memory wiped but knowing that there love for each other would bring them back together.
