Good concept, not quite working yet
Maybe it will get there. It's not consistently funny/clever/interesting enough. Perhaps it is trying to do too many things at once. There's the fan service to older viewers in the form of the older actors and mentions of old products. There's this whole commentary on what Hollywood and sitcoms are really like. Then there's a whole meta-commentary on the SJW phenomenon or whatever you want to call it -- let's say, "things people discuss on Twitter". It's a noble attempt, but over the first five episodes it also tended to put me to sleep more than once.
But I think it might be close to successful. Just needs a bit more effort. I'm seeing, for example, setups without the punch lines. On this whole meta thing, for example, the executive producer, Gordon, will come in and say that a funny idea for a show is when one character misunderstands everything and then says a couple of things that show he completely misunderstands something. Or one of the woman writers suggests that it would be funny to have two characters talk about the Bechdel test. Yeah, that's what you just did in the show that we're watching. So meta. But it doesn't become funny because the audience just notices it (maybe, not everyone), but there is no opportunity to laugh about it. What they probably need is one character who "gets" what's going on and when it happens, they roll their eyes or have a similar reaction so that the audience can laugh with them. But this character is strangely missing. Maybe the writers feel that it's 2022 and you no longer need that character -- the setup can stand on its own. I don't think so.
I'll keep watching for a while to see if things improve. I wish them well.