MovieChat Forums > A Star Is Born (2018) Discussion > I Think it will be better the 98th time ...

I Think it will be better the 98th time they remake it.

This very well could be a great movie, but my god with the remakes upon remakes of remakes.

There has to be someone out there somewhere with something new to offer.

I've never seen a generation piggy back so much off of generations before.

All that being said, I'm a fan of Bradley Cooper, so best of luck with his new version of "A Star is Born" for the 900th time.


Hear hear, I don't get why this story needs to be told again and again.


I may not watch them but I dont get worked up about the remakes....because newer generations just won’t watch the previous versions.

A Star is Born is a good story....and while it would be great to say, hey just watch the Streisand/Kristofferson version or even the Judy Garland movie.....but unfortunately, most (not all of course, but most) people born after 1990 are just not going to do that. So, I don’t begrudge them a version they will watch.


I think we're overdue for another movie about the Titanic, too. Not enough of those yet.


Then fuck newer generations. If they care about film they will find the classics. It's not hard.

Remaking the same movie 90 million times is very lazy.

You know what's funny, people talk about the "newer generations" not being able to find the classics, yet these remakes make money, you know why? Because they have a built in audience already, you know what from? From the original movies.

People know about the classic original films. They just want everything updated because they don't have the imagination to put themselves in a different time period.


THIS newer generation doesn't watch older films. That's because they've been programmed to think anything made before this morning is "irrelevant." Previous generations, however, had no issues watching the original versions of great films.


Why 98? Is dat a lucky #?


Nah, just tried to be random. Haha.




Unfortunately, the first half of the movie bucks the previous versions in a number of important ways. Then, the second half is hurt by following the previous versions too closely.


Wow, I've come back to my own post to apologize.

Finally rented this last night, and I have to say, they did a great job with it.

Not a Lady Gaga fan, but she's always had a great voice, and she was phenomenal. The songs were great and really pulled every ounce of emotion out of the film. And Andrew Dice Clay??? Who the hell saw that coming??? He was awesome! Haha.

I will continue to be a staunch opponent of constant classic film remakes, but they did a great job with this one. They really did. Kudos to them, and my apologies.

I'm not as stubborn as I used to be. Lol.


They've been making this movie over and over for nearly 90 years. We'll be due for the next version around 2050. The stars are now anonymous infants. "Titanic" is several years overdue for its next version. Somebody needs to get on that right away!
