MovieChat Forums > Barbie (2023) Discussion > 'A woman can do anything a man can do' m...

'A woman can do anything a man can do' makes no sense

My most recent collision with this awful lie happened just a few minutes ago, so I can't hold it back anymore, I have to explain how things actually are.

Sorry, women, but it's better for someone to pop your illusion-bubble than you slamming head-first into reality. There are many, MANY women that think they can 'take a man down' in a fight, because of what movies like Atomic Blonde and so many others show us. They also think men are so incredibly stupid, it would be easy to fight and win against a man. Then they face reality and spend quite a long time eating hospital food wondering what went wrong.

Here are JUST SOME things women CAN'T do that men can do:

- Be cannon fodder in a TV show, movie or in real life (war, for example)

- Be worthless punching bag and butt for insults, jokes, condescension, shaming language, gaslighting, emotional blackmail and all kinds and levels of cruelty without anyone caring

- Be an incel (women can be celibate, but not 'against their will', because they have options men can't even dream of)

- Lack the possibilty to climb the sexual ladder to a CEO job or a diploma, or at least high marks (they can CHOOSE not to do it, but they can't 'not have the option')

- Have their real self become an obstacle to 'getting laid' (woman can be shy and get laid, men can't - so women can't 'be shy and not get laid BECAUSE of their shyness', but men can)

- Seed a new life (men carry 'seed of life', women can only fertilize and process it, but without that seed, they can't grow a fetus in their womb - artificial womb can be created, artificial seed can't, because you can't create life in a lab)

- Be stoic and silent in a 'dramatic event' - women can only be silent when they give men the 'silent treatment' - men can easily be open and honest and not pull that kind of mind game crap in a relationship, women can't

- Not be favored in the court of law (women get CONSISTENTLY super lenient sentences compared to men for ANY crime, including actual, premeditated murder)

- Not get turned on when there's a celebrity or some other high-status man nearby (from outlaw biker to CEO to just a rich man to alpha to PUA to .. you get the point)

- Not bleed every month unless they're pregnant

- Not be able to get pregnant (of course there are some women that can 'not be able to be pregnant', but they're the rare exception - still not as rare as men who can get pregnant)

- Not be emotional in situations that do not warrant any kind of emotional response

- Not get overly-dramatic about text messages (especially someone not replying to them)

- Not have an enormous army of simps ready to defend the woman's honor

- Understand the heavy pain of being worse than the N-word of the world just because of genitalia, having to always lift the heavy objects, never being allowed to complain about anything, while being treated like trash by everyone and all governmental and corporate systems and institutions

Well, you get the idea. There are PLENTY of things men suffer from that women don't have a clue about, and CANNOT suffer the same way, because they live in a proverbial ivory tower, as everyone wants to protect women, but not men.

Recently, 'The Lotus Eaters' youtube channel showed a video of a man being brutally beaten up, but they refused to show a woman getting beaten up because THAT would've been 'horrible'. These people actually talk about this kind of hypocrisy, and YET when the chips are down, even they resorted to simping for women.

It's absolutely ridiculous to make a claim that women can do anything men can, when they don't even see or acknowledge the emotional, physical, psychological, mental and spiritual difficulties and demands this world constantly puts men through so women don't even have to care about any of it.

Women also can't be absolutely super-obsessed about some trivial, geeky hobby, like trainspotting or old-world electronics, computers, etc. They use computers, but they don't live and breathe computers like proper male nerds do.

It's ok that men and women have different strengths and weaknesses. However, we should always remember we are HUMAN BEINGS first, because that about us is eternal. The physical body is temporary, so we keep living in different kind of bodies, but it's still the same 'us'. Therefore, it's ludicrous that both genders even SHOULD be able to do what the other can. There are plenty of things women can do and men can't, but I have NEVER heard a man claim he (or men) can do anything women can.

Wouldn't that be insane? Then it's insane the other way as well. Don't believe the hype. Barbie can't do ANY of these things, either.


Who hurt you?


BEWARE! Avortac4 is a troll trying to waste everyone's time with such idiotic comments. Look at his posts. He doesn't think anything in any film makes sense. His post may seem like it makes sense in the first sentence or two. But he always quickly wanders off into a completely idiotic idea, and then writes a wall of text that makes no sense. And his sole purpose is to waste your time, thinking he's cute for doing so. Don't feed the troll. If you write a comment, you're giving this troll EXACTLY what he wants. Don't comment after my comment.
