I'm Already Getting Annoyed With This Movie
There is a lot of internet buzz going on around this movie. It's being described as a progressive and unexpectedly subversive take on the "material" (to the extent that there is material for a toy line)
That may turn out to be true, and I guess I'm being grumpy and cynical, but I think this is shaping up to be another Joker (2019)
I don't think Joker is a BAD movie, but I think it got a lot of credit for ostensibly belonging to a genre known for being thematically shallow. In other words, it got a lot of free good will simply because we EXPECT commercial movies to be dumb as fk
Joker was not a super insightful exploration of mental illness. Kudos to it for dealing with those subjects at all, but upon re-watching it the movie is by no means a classic
And I feel like something similar will happen with Barbie. It'll get a huge amount of fanfare, a lot of awards buzz, and make a ton of money despite just being a serviceable comedy-drama