Well i enjoyed it.

I watched it last night on Sky Alien channel. I was only gonna watch a bit of it until I fell asleep then turn it off but I got so engrossed in it I watched it until the end....Despite what people have said on here I thought it was actually very good with good acting and I thought Saoirse Ronan was amazing in it and wow is she gorgeous.

Great movie.

Victims...........arent we all.


Surprisingly I liked it too. I think most people never wanted to give it a chance and thought it would suck as bad as Twilight (pun intended) because I know I did. When I first heard the premise I thought it was just a copy of ''Invasian of the Body Snatchers'' It actually had a unique and original take on the old trope. The acting was great, Costumes and Music were fantastic. The sets were phenomenal, I want to live in those caves and drive the super fast silver car, they also looked amazing. Like you I was engrossed in the story. This female character is great because she is strong and stands by her convictions. It was cool to see two characters Coexist. Saoirse Ronan did an exceptional job and did a good accent too. I hope there is a sequel coming.


I love this movie. Not as great as the book, but what movie is? I've seen it 5 times I think.


I thought it was different. I couldn't be bothered with all the romance side of things (I still say the REAL romance is actually between Wanda and Melanie)... but it was a very different take on the whole alien invasion movie. I also liked the paradox that the aliens claim to be peaceful, but in fact are destructive.

It's not "Sci-Fi", it's SF!

"Calvinism is a very liberal religious ethos." - Truekiwijoker


I enjoyed it for the most part aswell.

I just think Wanda should have died in the end as it would have been an unexpected ending.

Having them find a body for Wanda that was a young girl, that hadn't awaken seemed far too convenient.

Of course this was all in the book, so it can't be helped. I just thought Wanda's sacrifice would have been a different way to end the film.
