Aliens who are kind, intelligent and genocidal? Author fail.
I saw the movie and read half of the book, but I just don't get the premise:
The Aliens are
- intelligent. This is shown by their technological knowhow. They are also very experienced because of their age.
- kind. They are not merely kind, they are the kindest and gentlest and best in the whole universe.
- genocidal. They have killed off nearly the whole of humanity which would be around 7 billion and that was not the first race.
These three things together are completely implausible or rather outright impossible.
- If they are kind and intelligent, they would not do what they did. They claim it is because humans are murderous and ruin the planet. But this argument fails as they kill off all humans including those who fight these very problem. Intelligent and kind people would try to find another way then all-out murder. Even in human history there are only a few cases where complete murder has been tried and even in those cases it was clear even to the killers that they did something wrong. The souls surpass any of these human cruelties by far. Their argument comes off as rather made up because it's more convenient for them to condemn as many humans as possivle in order to get more hosts so that more souls can have a good experience.
- If they are kind and murderous, they must be completely dumb. Actually the author tries to convey this combination. The souls as a whole failed to even get the hint when the seaweed people rather chose suicide than occupation. Wanda as an individual who is more than 1000 years old and took part in several genocides does not seem to grasp it. But none of them is dumb, their intelligence and morality is shown.
- If they are intelligent and murderous, it would fit. It would like most other alien invasion scenarios.
I was really annoyed when Wanda became enraged after finding out what the doc did. 'Ohh, we killed billions of humans and I myself killed lots of people from all races. And we did not do it to survice, we just want to have a good and cool lifestyle experience and all of that is a-ok. But don't you dare touch a soul! If you kill a single soul by trying to rescue a human, you are an evil monster!' It is very convenient that no other character calls her out on that.
I get that the author wanted another take on the normal 'evil aliens invade' scenario. She constructs this but fails to make it even slightly plausible. It does not make sense.
I really wanted to like the story because I like the people who made the movie (Niccol, Hurt, Ronan, Kruger). I feel sorry for them. They could only fail with the source material they were given.