What a wonderful surprise this film was! I do a lot of surfing on my Xfinity X1 cable box, going to the Cast & Crew section of a movie I’m watching and plunging down a rabbit hole of links, looking for new things to watch. I’d not been aware of The Host heretofore, but was compelled to watch as soon as I saw that it was a Saoirse Ronan film. I think that she is, easily, THE actress of her generation, one who will always take a ripping good story over a ripping good payday, and who will become famous without ever having courted fame. The Host is not mainstream science fiction, though its precis may sound like it. Prima facie, this is Invasion Of The Body Snatchers, Pod People, etc. An alien species comes to Earth, takes over human bodies, takes over the planet. The few remaining free humans form a Resistance. In rare cases, the human mind in the Host body remains active, interacting with the alien consciousness. Ronan’s character is one such; and her two personalities fall in love with two different human men! What a dilemma. That’s what this movie is about; however, it is marvelously free of the violence, hostility and mindlessness of superficially-similar fare. This is largely due to the story, and the performances delivered by Ronan and Bill Hurt, who plays the inspired, strong and clear-thinking leader of one of the Resistance cells. The Host is not for everyone. It is sci-fi absent bug-eyed monsters, blasters and flying saucers. It is most certainly not a comic book movie, a Star Trek movie nor a Star Wars (neither Lucas nor Disney) movie. It IS speculative fiction—the term Herbert George Wells—created to describe science fiction—done with thought, finesse, taste and class. My two hours with it were spent well.