Could that even be possible at this point? Aside from the reality or it-will-never-happen debates, would YOU like to see another nightmare movie, which includes roles for some of the guys from the originals, after watching never sleep again? Do you think they can still play their roles, or cameo as them, or take on new roles just as effectively?
Who would you like to see in a nightmare project, if that were to happen in the future, from the people who were in never sleep again? Who do you think would still be just as good, capable, believable, and fresh?
To be I watched Freddy vs Jason and something about Freddy make up in it and Robert Englund age makes it hard for me to watch...I still not crazy about the remake but they certainly couldn't keep going with Robert at 60 something of age..Well,At least,we still have the old ones...
I know when they were doing a Freddy VS Jason they were talking about doing a prequel which I thought was very exciting and I was listening to podcast with Heather Lagenkamp and asked her a question about that while she was promoting "Never sleep again" she said "While there probably is some scripts about a prequel she thinks its very tightly controlled now by warner brothers and probably won't see the light of day" Which was sad because I thought that would of been a lot cooler to see than a damn stupid remake.
Well like if they did a prequeal and wanted Robert to look younger they could use the same technology the used in X-Men 3 to make Patrick Stewart and Ian Mckellean to make them look younger. I don't know if that be too expensive or what but things could be done or something.
Nah. The time has long since passed and as much as I love the Robert Englund glory days, Freddy Vs. Jason was a fitting send off. There's a certain magic about the original franchise that could never be re-captured, no matter how hard they tried. Best to leave well enough alone.
I think anyone who has an opinion, and voices it, will offend someone. - Peter Steele
I had hoped Nancy would perhaps come back one day as a gate-keeper of dreams, but Heather's too old now and it wouldn't really work. Besides, Nancy left on a high and there's always the risk of ruining a character(s) when you bring them back,'s probably best they don't.
------------ "Sleep. Those little slices of death. How I loathe them".
I think you guys have a point. The franchise is gone. It really is. The new one, perhaps it can go somewhere not sure, but the old franchise w/the old actors is just finished. Everyone's in their 40s and above. it's just done. I guess no use in bringing it back, let it be.
I actually disagree. While I don't think they could do another NOES with Nancy, they CAN do another one with teen/college student Jacob and MILF Alice. It was actually something I was fiddling around with during the release of FvJ. The idea would be that Alice is now living in Chicago with Jacob, and has become a lawyer, making it her life's goal that vicious criminals don't slip through the cracks(like Freddy did). Eventually, after the events of Freddy's Dead, Springwood rebuilds itself and tries to forget about the past. Since a lot of people wind up moving from Springwood during Freddy's years of terror, the real estate is cheap, and Springwood is presenting itself as being the perfect town to raise a family in. One of Alice's co-workers hands her a brochure of Springwood, asking her if it's really a great place to move. Alice, of course, doesn't recommend it, but is curious about Springwood's sudden attraction. More people start to move there, re-populate the once dead town, and life seems to get back on track. Alice, with Jacob, plan a trip back to Springwood, believing that everything Freddy-related is behind her. But, as soon as she returns, the boiler room's furnace fires are rekindled. Jacob meets Katie, a girl who works at the diner Alice worked at as a teenager. She offers him a tour around Springfield and meet her friends, as Alice starts to investigate the town as news breaks that teenagers have begun to die in their sleep. Soon, Katie's group of friends start to meet their fate at the hands of Freddy, and Tina, Jacob and Katie have to find a way to stop Freddy. That's just the gist.
Though, yeah, I kinda would've loved to see Wes put a definitive end to Freddy WIHTIN the franchise's continuity(not New Nightmare). I always said, He brought Freddy into this world, he should've been the one to finally kill him off(not Talalay).
Considering how lackluster PD's remake was, I don't think we will get anything really in the spirit of the classic series, maybe, perhaps until another remake is announced, 20 years from now.
When Wes Craven is concern , I think that New Nightmare was the perfect sent off for Krueger and the problem is Alice was not created by Craven so I doubt that he would feel like writing a story around her.