A Nightmare on Elm St. 4 CENSORED SCENES (Spoilers)
On the 2nd disc, in the extended interviews for part 4, we learn that Bob Shaye asked the FX guys to come up with two sequences of extreme nasty violence with the sole purpose of cutting them after submitting the film to the MPAA, making it look like they toned down a lot of the violence. The FX dude that was interviewed says that it was so nasty and over the top that he couldn't even talk about it but gladly for us, Tuesday Knight spilled the beans¸
Apparently, in the nightmare scene on the beach with Tuesday Knight in a bikini, Freddy kills her by slashing her tits off and her bikini top at the same time. Tuesday speaks of an appliance the had to wear to make it looks like she has no breasts after the grizzly mutilation!
Damn! Now that's something I have to see! We only get the story about one of the two sequences but I really wonder what was the other one.
***You are what you is***