MovieChat Forums > The King's Speech (2010) Discussion > Is stuttering a form of mental retardati...

Is stuttering a form of mental retardation?

I'm trying to win a bet against my buddy here. He says George VI's stutter was a defect from the royal bloodline. I told him that the rest of the family didn't have speech impediments as far as I knew. He responded by saying it was a bad genetic draw from the narrow breeding.

How do I convince someone that not everyone who stutters is retarded?

No one is on my ignore list, because I'm not a pussy
Bronies are scum


Show your buddy this list, at

Seriously though (and this is more for him than for you) do any of these folks strike you as mentally retarded?



Thanks for the list. Time to put somebody in their place.

No one is on my ignore list, because I'm not a pussy
Bronies are scum


Go get 'em!!


Definitely NOT! I ended up with an Asthmatic Stammer after recovering from pneumonia. My breath control was shot to H*ll. I did learn to control it, though, with breathing exercises and relaxation.

Thank Heavens for pioneers like Lionel Logue.

"I do hope he won't upset Henry.."


Thank Heavens for pioneers like Lionel Logue.
Many children, especially boys, develop stutters as Logue says, around 4 or 5 for a variety of reasons.

As a parent of one such child I can say a couple of things with certainty.
1 The vast majority of those kids aren't retarded and can be treated.
2 Other parents who find themselves in this situation should not hesitate in contacting a speech pathologist/therapist trained in stammer remediation.



I have a friend who is a speech pathologist and therapist. We went to college together. I remember her telling me the difference between speech problems that are caused by oral defects as opposed to those caused by emotional issues or bad speech patterns learned at home. Also, if a person has an oral defect of the teeth, tongue, whatever, it might be genetic but certainly is not an indicator of retardation.


Maximus Decimus Meridius


But that in itself does not make it a form of mental retardation. If it was then speech therapy would not work as well as it does.


I stuttered as a kid (hasten to add, I'm not a member of the royal family). Not retarded (afaik :)) No-one else in my family did ... but, I guess you do need to do some research.

I believe the Royals are subject to haemophilia - refer to Queen Victoria for that one. And that disease is inherited.

To different minds, the same world is a hell, and a heaven. J B Priestley


King George had some physical shortcomings that might have been down to inbreeding. One of the reasons he and his descendents have married outsiders with good genes. (Yes, Elizabeth and Philip are second cousins, but he's a very smart and robust guy).


Philip is an idiot, and chuckie is no better.


Believing that stuttering is a form of mental retardation is a sure sign of mental retardation.


King George was NOT retarded. The reason he stuttered was because he was forced to use his right hand to write with instead of his left hand.

Laugh while you can. Monkey Boy!


I was forced to switch from my left hand to right when I was a child, and I talk with the fluidity and elegance of a master orator.

I think it had to do with mental retardation due to inbreeding within the royal family. If you recall, his younger brother was also mentally retarded and occasionally had epileptic fits. Coincidence that two brothers both suffered from disabilities?? No, it's causation from mixing the same blood line.

Wendy? Darling? Light, of my life!


I know snout Prince John. In the movie Bertie said he was autistic.

But I still don't think King George was retarded. I was lucky that my mom was able to intercede on my behalf.


Except medical professionals don't know what definitively causes any of those conditions. Epilepsy CAN be caused by a genetic defect, but it can just as easily be caused by an injury, a stroke, a brain tumor, or some other illness or infection. 60% of all cases have no identifiable cause at all. And with autism, most professionals believe that it is caused by a combination of conditions, and that there is no one single identifiable cause.

Stammering CAN run in families, but, like autism, scientists have yet to determine an identifiable cause for it. It wasn't just George being forced to switch his handedness that caused his impediment. There were other issues, too --chronic stomach problems, knock-knees. And he had a major insecurity issues, which probably didn't help either.

And remember that different people can react differently to the same thing. It's great that you can speak well. But that's not how George reacted. It doesn't mean the stimulus wasn't there.


I lisp.


Old post but the royal family definitely did inbreed (in the past). I don't think the stuttering is the result of problematic genetics though. A lot of British have terrible genetics though and terrible teeth.


I would say that stuttering is a nervous habit, not a form of retardation. Wasn't he cured eventually?


I would say that stuttering is a nervous habit, not a form of retardation. Wasn't he cured eventually?
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You would say that due to your lack of research and ignorance. Unless you do stutter/stammer or are trained in the field, best to not offer opinions on physiological conditions. This should not have to be explained to you, though it evidently needs to be, along with the rest of the sheep.


Using your own logic then, the OP shouldn't be asking such a question on an Internet forum with no medically certified way of knowing one's professional background relating to the topic at hand.




Why make the reply public then? There is always private messaging for that need.




I only mean to help you. If you wish to address someone alone, like Slimone, there is that option. That is all I meant, not being snarky. I don't bite. Besides, Slimone was offering an opinion, not a fact.



I was asking a question, which you didn't answer. Wasn't he cured??????

You have a lot of nerve criticizing me. I bullying one of your traits?


I was not speaking about the OP's absurd question. I was addressing your opinion on the cause of stuttering, with or without "retardation". Those who make opinions and "think" without knowing why does not serve anyone re: physiological dysfunction.
