20th Century Fox please stop making Dr. Doom like Darth Vader
Fox you got X-Men and Deadpool right but you keep messing up FF movies because your trying to make Dr. Doom more like Darth Vader instead of Dr. Doom. Doom can't explode peoples heads with his mind like "the force". If you want that kind of bad guy then create one but don't use Dr. Doom. Dr. Doom is just a man, that's why he's so interesting.
In order to make any great Superhero or Star Wars movie it needs to be about the bad guy. Luke isn't really the face of Star Wars, Darth Vader is. There's only so much you can do with good guy heroes in movies but bad guys you have free reign to do whatever you want. What Lex Luther is doing in Superman 1 and 2 is really the plot of those movies. Magneto in X-Men. Joker in Batman. Heath Ledger stands out more than anything in the Batman trilogy. A great casting AND great story for Dr. Doom would make a great FF movie not constantly tweaking the good guys and their origins.
There's 50 years of Dr. Doom stories in the Marvel library but if you read 1984's Jim Shooters "Secret Wars" that's the Doom you want on screen. While even Gods like Thor and super powerful villains like Magneto are busy fighting each other Doom doesn't bother, instead he manages to get on Galactus' ship and defeat the Beyonder and he's the only character in the series with no powers. Dr. Doom is a bad ass because he's just a man. Just a man taking on the FF is interesting. Someone who can explode your head with a thought isn't because you have to ask yourself why doesn't he just do that to the Fantastic Four.
If you gave Batman great superhero powers then who cares. He has to be just a man. Lex Luther, Joker, Captain America, Iron Man, enhanced men yes but just men. It makes them more relatable so we care more.