MovieChat Forums > Halloween (2018) Discussion > Rate + Rank All Halloween/Michael Myers ...

Rate + Rank All Halloween/Michael Myers Films


Ranking The Halloween/Micheal Myers Franchise Films-
1. Halloween-10/10
2. Halloween H20: 20 Years Later-8/10
3. Halloween(Remake)(2007)-8.5/10
4. Halloween 4: The Return of Michael Myers-8.5/10
5. Halloween: Resurrection-7.5/10
6. Halloween 5: The Revenge of Michael Myers-7.5/10
7. Halloween II-8/10
8. Halloween II(2009)-7/10
9. Halloween: The Curse of Michael Myers-6.5/10'


Halloween II
Halloween H20
Halloween 4
Halloween 5
Halloween the curse
halloween Resurrection
Halloween (reboot)
Haven't seen Halloween II (2009) but I doubt I'd like it very much considering what I've heard about it.


Haven't seen Halloween II (2009) but I doubt I'd like it very much considering what I've heard about it.


Its awful...They Gave Zombie Free Reign and it was a Shitshow....

I actually really enjoyed His first Halloween remake, I think its kinda underrated but the sequel was basically just an all Zombie movie while using Michael Myers as the Lead...It had nothing to do with the character, didnt add or bring anything to the series, Zombie just wrote A Horror with his usual hardcore shit and called it Halloween II


Halloween II
Halloween 5
Halloween 4
Halloween the curse
Halloween H20
Halloween (2018)
halloween Resurrection


Halloween 2
Halloween 4
Halloween 5
Halloween H2O
Halloween Curse of MM
Halloween Resurrection
Halloween reboot
Halloween 2 reboot
