MovieChat Forums > Argylle (2024) Discussion > Spoilers - Question About Who Did a Thin...

Spoilers - Question About Who Did a Thing

Okay hecka spoilers, you've been warned.

On the train, the Division sends literally dozens of agents to... do what? Kill Rachel? Not likely, as they need her to find the file. Abduct her? Why? She's going "home," which is actually to the Division, because she thinks the two Division higher-ups are her parents. Are the agents there to kill Aiden? It seems like they're after Rachel. If it's Aiden they want, wouldn't they have gone for him before he got on the train?

The movie is preposterous in terms of what happens, but the basic narrative makes sense other than this scene on the train. Why are there 20 or so agents firing guns and stabbing with syringes?

Also, when did you realize Ellly was Argylle? I figured it out when they were at the hotel and she was speaking to Henry Cavill in the mirror.


The pen with a needle was most likely there to knock her out. It doesn't make sense as she was on the way to see her mom. The guys with guns seemed to be there for Rockwell and security.

I didn't realize she was Argylle as I heard reviews before which spoiled that. Not a big deal.

What was a big deal was the gold dress at the end. Bag cut and terrible to look at for the remainder of the film.


I don't know what bag cut means, but if it has anything to do with Elly being dressed like LaGrange at the end, I agree that that ruined the end of the film for me. Before that point, Elly had a sort of cute charm to her, but she became grotesque when dressed that way.


TYPO, 'Bad cut,' My bad. The wardrobe prior was really good. It worked with her features and skin tone.


It really did. I was very charmed by her look until that point.


Yes, I don't get that part also not, considering they wanted her anyway. Potentially they wanted to just tranquilize her and bring back to her house where she is in a controlled area to finish the write up. But this scene still made no sense to me except being a cool introduction of Aiden. They never send so many agents at once on her later, so why at that time?

Most of the twists were quite good foreshadowed and thus predictable. I think the main goon asked her before in the reading session, if she was an agent like other famous espionage writers (or do I mix it up?). But I actually thought she is Keira, as I just can't buy Bryce-Howard as an action hero (running on heels, anyone).


She was on the train heading "home" to their house, so no need to tranquilize her. Also, it seemed they were taking a huge risk of killing her with all the gunfire in that small train car. She easily could have been hit by a stray bullet. Granted, it was visually interesting, and a way to demonstrate how skilled an agent Aiden is, but it made no sense in a film that, while nonsensical in terms of physical action, seemed to be working overtime to make sure everything plot-wise was logical.


Not her "parents" home, they would have bring her back to her house. Because they wanted her to work on the final chapter without distraction.
I am not sure, but I think Bryan Cranston even explain it somewhere between the direct reveal and the interrogation at the base, I just didn't fully got that sentence.


Wasn't she going to her mother's house to work on the chapter with her? Where was that train taking her?


Yes, she was on their way, but they definitely didn't want her there. If I understood it correctly, they had a fake house for such operations and a rebuild of the kitchen for ad-hoc calls. But I understood it like they were afraid that she might remember something, if she is not in her comfort zone which is her house in the Mid-West. And that's what I thought they wanted to do:
Bring her home there, do some psycho shenanigans so she forgot she left the house and convince her to write on the final chapter so they could get where the list is saved.


Also, when did you realize Ellly was Argylle? I figured it out when they were at the hotel and she was speaking to Henry Cavill in the mirror.

No bullshit, I guessed from the trailer. In the trailer, he stated he kidnapped her because she predicted some crimes and needs her to write the next chapter, but that makes no fucking sense. Having some writer pull a story out of their ass wouldn't mean it's real world accurate.

Told my wife it was probably going to be a Long Kiss Goodnight ripoff where she finds out she used to be a spy.
