"Low Lifes"...

I have never, ever been more upset about an episode of Hoarders than that POS that started tonights new episodes. The paper, the mice, the cleaning stuff by sunlight... I just wanted to jump through the TV and smack the *beep* outta her. Her poor daughter, good grief...


You and me both! How dare to be that disgusting and *beep* on yourself but call others low lifes. I knew there was no changing her
Life can only be understood backwards. It must be lived forward


Now I'm mad all over again. Because I don't think she was incontinent, just didn't have a toilet that she could use. And of course, if she had to wipe the shopping carts down and then herself, there's no way she would have used a public restroom. I've seen an episode (can't remember which one, it was a guy though) that went to a nearby store to use the restroom.

One thing my roommate brought up was the fact she was so obsessed with finding money (or just a coin) in the bags, that when she was talking about selling the wine bottles back almost in tears that shows you truly how disconnected she and a majority of the hoarders on this show are about money. She has money to buy stuff, she's not on the verge of bankruptcy, as a matter of fact, she probably has the money to buy herself a bed that she could sleep on. One that wasn't donated to her by a low life.

Who knew low lifes could be so generous?!?


God, yes. That was the ultimate *beep* pot calling the kettle black. Oh, and mice are incontinent. Therefore, every inch of that literal sh*t-hole is bathed in mouse urine, urine that the "germaphobe" is treading in barefoot. Barefoot, with open leg sores, no less.

I'm gonna call her Judy, Judy, the Hantavirus beauty. Ugh.



Ah, but now you're armchair diagnosing.

Most people react strongly to the gross-out factor and mental illness exhibited on this show - the series would have tanked if we didn't. I doubt that any of us deserve a pathological diagnosis for doing so.



It's the pot calling the kettle black! 

 I Love Vic Morrow 


These people are self indulgent . Period I have no sympathy for them- In most of the cases the whole family is out of control - all fat fat fat


I don't know, when I see three generations of the same family and they are all extremely overweight, as in this particular episode, I have to think genetics play a role. I have a friend who has been overweight her whole life; her mother, sisters and daughter are all big too. That's not to say a lot of people aren't overweight because of poor diet and lack of discipline and exercise, but there ARE people who are more genetically predisposed to obesity than others.

The further a society drifts from the truth, the more it will hate those that speak it.


Maybe so , but I am betting that overeating is the major problem.


When your parents are St. Barnard you arent going to be a yorkie


I laughed so hard at this. Imma use it next time someone complains about me being fat ;)


The 'genetic' excuse is overused.

It would have to be a pretty severe, weird anomaly in genetics to CAUSE someone to be overweight.

There is such a thing as genetic disposition TOWARDS something like that, but I don't think it's possible to become overweight PURELY because of genetics.

If you eat healthily, you walk an hour every day, your portions are normal size, it would be pretty darn weir genetics to make and keep your body overweight in that situation. Genetics or not, people don't usually understand how body and digestive system works, or how 'metabolism' can be controlled and changed, and how it can fluctuate.

If you basically change your metabolism system from 'food burning machine' to 'food storing machine', genetics don't matter, you will become overweight anyway.

If you change or keep your metabolism in the 'food burning mode' - and this doesn't require much, to be honest! - there's no way you will balloon to an obese monster like so many of these people have.

It's usually the junk food that has things in it that slows down your metabolism and makes your body 'store' instead of 'burn' the energy. It's not just grease or fat, it's not just 'cookies' and stuff - you can still enjoy that kind of stuff, as long as you eat healthy enough food (which, LET'S FACE IT, these 'genetic miracles' wouldn't even TOUCH) and have enough PROPER exercize (not just any kind, but the exact kind you need, like fast walking, for example, instead of going to the gym), and your body won't balloon.

The 'calory-theory' is wrong, the people that created that theory realized it pretty quickly, but it was too late, as the theory is so appealing, it spread like wildfire. You can eat zillion calories every day, but if your body's metabolism works like a Shao-Lin monk's (and you work out like a Shao-Lin-monk), you simply burn most of it and then your body just discards the rest as waste. Nothing is stored.


People haven't realized they can CONTROL whether their body stores the energy or burns the energy, so they just automatically slip into the 'storing mode' (especially because of junk food and lack of PROPER (!) exercize), and then do nothing about it and keep going that way.

It's not basically how MUCH you eat, or how GREASY the food is; it's what substances are in the food, and what they cause your body to do, metabolism-wise. The more 'factory-made' and 'pre-prepared' food (or "food") you eat, the less your body will burn and the more it will store, as a rule of thumb.

Eat more natural and healthy food, and then it won't matter even if it's a bit greasy, if your body is in the 'burning' mode, you won't gain weight.

Fresh vegetables and avoiding 'easy-to-make' foods is basically the key. If you want a pizza, MAKE IT YOURSELF (even the dough). That way, you know exactly what is in it.

Plus, it's fun!

Don't go on some long 'hunger-diet' - hunger only makes your body want to store everything you put in it, because it gets 'scared' that it might not get food, so it only makes sense to try to store some part of everything it gets. But if you regularly feed it healthy food, it doesn't feel the need to constantly store things, because it realizes food keeps coming in constantly, so there's no need to store it.

Does this make enough sense?


I finally saw this episode today..
Is it possible that she wasn't as much a germapohobe as she thought? I don't know much about mental health issues but I wondered if maybe it was more of an ocd issue. Maybe somebody can give me some insight on that.
Also, the "caregiver" neighbor?? What exactly is her job capacity? It doesn't appear that she is taking very good care of her!
I enjoyed Dr. Tolin...maybe we will see more of him.

I never finish anyth


Yeah, Judy's hypocrisy was maddening, but did you find it at all sad, as an indicator of just how sick she is? Just like her delusions that the sun somehow sanitizes things, it felt like she was semi-normal woman trapped with the mind of an absolute lunatic who could understand "unsanitary" but was powerless to be anything but the very thing she hates.

There was a cruel irony this woman is living and she seems just coherent enough to feel trapped in the world she created.


Without a doubt she was the biggest low life piece of trash in that entire neighborhood.


I have no doubt you are right about that, which is what made it kind of sad. She is clearly delusional and mentally ill, but so sick her illness won't allow her to get treated.
