When they found all of those containers full of urine that was nearly enough to make me wretch. Gallons and gallons of urine. VERY disgusting. Of course, I guess that's no different than a lady I saw a few months back in a rerun that had soiled adult diapers strewn throughout her domicile.
Some people are just plain disgusting. Having a messy house is house is bad enough, but that is just nasty.
I haven't watched Sybil yet, so no comments from me until later. However! If you're interested in seeing REALLY NASTY stuff, do yourself a favor and watch Shanna's episode of Hoarders. Then be sure and post your thoughts.
I guess this proves that I dabble in programs that display "other than normal" behaviors. I'm not a reality show junkie, by any stretch of the word, but these two shows are definitely like watching a train wreck, and as they say...THAT'S ENTERTAINMENT! LOL.
I'll have to take a look at Shanna's episode, though I will have to wait until they replay it as I have capped internet service and don't want to run it down. I take it it's even worse than urine in bottles and soiled adult diapers. If so...UGH!
I'm really not into "reality" shows, either. For example, you couldn't pay me to watch ANYTHING to do with the Kardashians. But, yeah, hoarding and super-morbidly-obese? I'm there!
Once you see Shanna's episode you'll totally get why it's MUCH WORSE than soiled adult diapers piled ten feet high, or bottles filled with urine. Really.
Yes, Shanna. Unbelievably gross! I watched Sybil and you're right, Shanna was way worse! Number one in bottles is awful, but number two? Dear God, how can anyone do that???
Omigod. I'd never seen the Shanna episode before reading your comment about it here. I too looked it up and found a 6 or 7 minute long mash-up of it...and I think this is the first time I've actually gagged watching this show. (It seems a bit strange to use spoiler warnings for a show like this, but for anyone who wants to be shocked firsthand, **SPOILER ALERT!** The bottles of "dirty water," as she called them, were bad enough, but what made me literally slap a hand to my mouth was the revelation about the bloody tampons strewn around the house. Why that detail did me in I can't begin to guess, but maybe it was just the whole situation building to a wretched crescendo..? **END OF SPOILERS**
Anyway, yes, I'm adding my voice to the "you thought Sybil was a disturbing case?" chorus here. Just beyond the pale. Wow.
Omigod. I'd never seen the Shanna episode before reading your comment about it here. I too looked it up and found a 6 or 7 minute long mash-up of it...and I think this is the first time I've actually gagged watching this show.
You really MUST see it in its entirety! There are a couple of things Shanna does/says that are beyond description (although I've written about them in other threads!).
Well, I followed your advice (and am probably scarred for life now! Ha ha...). I logged into the A/E website and found the whole episode last night. I wish emojis worked properly on the mobile version of this site, because I don't know how else to convey the expression on my face as I watched it all.
Wow. Wooooow. You were right: that case demands to be seen in its entirety. The clips I saw didn't get into the really warped family dynamics and they only barely addressed the bizarre "I get a high from eating this contaminated food - the party's over!" conversation that Shanna had with Matt and the doc. Just...WHAT?!? I studied abnormal psych in university and went on to another area of healthcare for years, so I'm not easily shocked, but THAT shocked and confused me.
I can't believe that Matt had to basically confirm with her that she'd use a toilet from now on. o.O
Generally I have a great deal of sympathy for people with anxiety and depressive disorders, but I've gotta say that, if I'd been Shanna's sister (and brother in law) I don't think I'd have been comfortable with having her move in without first undergoing extensive therapy.
I'm glad you got to see it in its entirety, prettyh--but I'm sorry you're now scarred for life! (But, hey, so am I!)
The part about wanting "one last high" by eating POOP-CONTAMINATED FOOD is something I'll never forget. Nor will I forget Shanna sloshing buckets of poop/pee with her BARE HANDS, and having no concept that it is: 1) NOT normal, 2) disgusting, 3) a way to get sick by not washing her hands and then preparing food.
I was glad that, at the end of the episode, Dr Zasio made the call that Shanna shouldn't be allowed to live on her own, and that she needed to be in some kind of care facility.
The most shocking thing to me in these kinds of cases is just how completely unaware/in denial the people are. I guess there'd have to be an extremely high level of denial for things to reach biohazard level, but it still never fails to render me speechless. The way Sybil says that "most of [the urine] doesn't make it into the bottles because it goes into the Depends" in such a cavalier way, in front of everyone, is...just... See? Speechless!
(I think that might've been in a "bonus scene"; it's definitely on Y-T at the A&E channel, anyway, for those wanting to see a clip. Gah.)
I can honestly say I really didn't know there were people like Shanna until I started watching this show. Your basic packrat, I'm familiar with... I'm related to a couple of them, and I had tendencies myself until I changed my lifestyle. My high school friend's mother had "goat trails" through her large home, endless boxes piled high with stuff she never used but kept buying. I'm also no stranger to old food lying around forever attracting bugs, unfortunately, due to a younger brother who was never forced to clean his room. But the hoarding your own elimination issue... horrors. The very definition of 'eliminate' is 'get rid of'!