MovieChat Forums > Hoarders (2009) Discussion > Comparing to a British show Obsessive Co...

Comparing to a British show Obsessive Compulsive Cleaners....

There is a show on Channel 4 in Britain called Obsessive Compulsive Cleaners that is a bit more light and happy, but also shows a Hoarder.

You can find the episodes easily on YouTube, and I've watched several of them...

Basically, they take someone who is obsessed with keeping their house neat and organized, and put them in the house of someone who is either a hoarder, or who can't be bothered to keep things neat and clean.

I've noticed that it seems like the neater person has a better income, or "appears" to come from a higher class, and the hoarder seems to come from a lower class...

Am I just perceiving them to be so different because my brain says the rich are tidy and the poor are slobs, or is this true?

Once I did wrong, I heard it ever, Twice I did right, I heard it never!


I liked the series they did last year with the 'country piles.' That was fun.

remember: tv is called PROGRAMMING, items of news are STORIES


The Britsh Obsessive Compulsive Cleaners has it's Pros and Cons over the American Hoarders TV show.

I get useful cleaning tips since the obsessive cleaners break down exactly what they do to get things so sparkly and germ free.

The British hoaders can be mouthy and judgemental towards the obsessive cleaners. I thinking, "B1tch, you live in disgusting filth and squalor. You're not even close to having your stuff together. Zip your lips and learn something."

The benefit of the US show is that the hoarder often enters a long term program to get help. Most people can't turn like a switch to undo years of bad behavior. It takes time.

The most satisfactory ending is when Al got his son Frankie back after years of battling hoarding behavior. The home inspecter Paul helped and supported Al until he died. That's dedication.

I can't see Obsessive Compulsive Cleaners having a similar emotionally fulfilling ending.

No two persons ever watch the same movie.


I see what you mean. The "Cleaners" aren't licensed therapist, and they can only see things from their perspective, so it's hard for them to see the root of the problem.

My mom will hold onto everything in the world, because she "May" use it someday.

We have enough room for things, however I like to do a thorough clean every now and again.

Blessidly.... ( I don't know if you could call it a blessing lol) Our basement bedroom and garage is getting water into it when it rains, and some things got wet and I get to (Err... I mean I have to) toss it out. ^_^

Once I did wrong, I heard it ever, Twice I did right, I heard it never!



The very first special they showed had a woman that actually had gotten a drug store that was closing down to give her their shelves, and she had a mega-maze of store shelves all through her house. She knew where everything was, and knew everything she had. She had to sleep on a little cot in the "Heart" of her maze.

Once I did wrong, I heard it ever, Twice I did right, I heard it never!


Interesting, iridiancyan.

I think I've seen at least one episode of every hoarding type show from America and the UK. I've never seen the kind of hoarder you describe, that I remember. Even the people who seem to keep everything neatly in bins and boxes seem to have dried, dead animal carcasses or bugs once they start shifting stuff. I think it's a result of not touching things for years, once they've been put away.

At the end of the day, it's the same result as people who live in built up filth.

My house isn't up to showroom quality, but I'm trying hard not to let it get to hoarder level. It's about time for a spring purge now that I think about it.

No two persons ever watch the same movie.
