MovieChat Forums > Hoarders (2009) Discussion > S1, E3: Manuel and son John

S1, E3: Manuel and son John

The episode with Manuel, the grandfather who watched his son, John's, kids and got them taken away by CPS really made me mad for two reasons:

1) John said he had his dad watch his four kids because he couldn't afford babysitting. I'm sorry, but maybe you and your sloppy common law "wife" shouldn't have had FOUR kids if you can't afford proper childcare. Don't blame your dad for his house when you had him watch them for months on end without ever stepping inside to see the conditions.

2) John said he had to have a clean house, but when they showed his, it was covered with bugs, filth, gaping holes in the plaster, and dirty towels used as curtains. He calls that clean?! He kept saying CPS only focused on the negative. Even without his dad, John's kids would have been taken away anyway because his house was also repulsive.


It's been quite a while since I watched this episode--but I remember it VERY well. You're absolutely right about EVERYTHING.

How did you like the explanation the daughter-in-law gave about not noticing the condition inside the dad's house? It was something like, "well, the lighting isn't very good in there." Okay! So it's okay to LEAVE YOUR CHILDREN in a place that's so dark in the daytime you can't SEE what it looks like? Right. And their house...ugh...what was that nonsense about a clean house?! 



The episode with Manuel, the grandfather who watched his son, John's, kids and got them taken away by CPS really made me mad for two reasons:

1) John said he had his dad watch his four kids because he couldn't afford babysitting. I'm sorry, but maybe you and your sloppy common law "wife" shouldn't have had FOUR kids if you can't afford proper childcare. Don't blame your dad for his house when you had him watch them for months on end without ever stepping inside to see the conditions.

2) John said he had to have a clean house, but when they showed his, it was covered with bugs, filth, gaping holes in the plaster, and dirty towels used as curtains. He calls that clean?! He kept saying CPS only focused on the negative. Even without his dad, John's kids would have been taken away anyway because his house was also repulsive.

If I'm remembering correctly.. Wasn't that the episode where the parents didn't even have decent beds and bedding for the children to sleep on? I think the show bought new beds so they could pass inspection by CPS.

Common sense is a flower that doesn't grow in everyone's garden.


YES. I know as humans we all try to push blame sometimes but this was insane. They were so angry at him when their situation was no better. Manuel definitely needed help but it seemed like he cared more than the parents did.


I may be thinking of a different episode, but I also recall one where the family with small kids were living in a tent in the yard, even in inclimate weather. I think they were given beds as well because the ones they had were infested with bed bugs. I felt bad because the little boy had a bunch of unopened Hot Wheels cars that were pinned to the wall. They had bugs inside the packaging so they had to throw them away. Poor little guy. everybody knows you don't come between a boy and his hot wheels!

6 out of 7 dwarfs aren't happy


I may be thinking of a different episode, but I also recall one where the family with small kids were living in a tent in the yard, even in inclimate weather.
Yeah, that's a different episode; their entire house was infested with bedbugs, and they were hoping to get it back to being usable before the REALLY inclement weather returned with winter.



Yes. It was that episode. They also didn't have any toys. Cps noted that there were no beds, toys or clean areas for children in the house. The POS son and his sloppy wife were blaming grandpa for it all, when their own house was awful. I don't think they were bright enough to pick up on the irony.


Watching this on Netflix NOW and I can't believe that these people are heaping all of the blame on the grandfather (Manuel). The kids were left in the care of a seriously mentally ill adult who lives in a hoard home. Why weren't they home with their father? Oh, I forgot. He was "sleeping" because he worked that night. If you're home sleeping, you don't need a babysitter! You are the babysitter!


Thank you! I so wanted to smack him in the face! Those are your children and since you knew what your father's home (and your home) look like and yet he made him the primary caregiver and you made no effort to clean your own home. You'll forgive me if I'm not feeling sympathetic towards you.

You laugh at me because I'm different. I laugh at you because you're all the same.


This episode just came on and the grandmother that is defending her son John and his wife looks like she is on drugs.


I just watched this again. I remember from it's original airing back in 2012. To the parents John & Janellen I say, if CPS needed to tell you what to do with that mess at your own home that you let your kids live in ,then they should have taken them away! The kids had no beds, no inens for beds-IF they had, had beds, and no toys. Dr. Zasio said items in the house were covered in rodent poop, layers of dust & mold! Both parents said on camera that CPS just took negative pictures of the house. Just the negative stuff. Well duh! The fact that the kids had no beds was enough of a reason to take them. Then to see where you chose to leave them , their grandfather with his hoard, shame on all of you. It goes without saying at the point where the kids were taken their parents should have started to clean their house the very same day after being released by the police! I don't know whose mother that was crying about how wrong CPS was in taking the kids, (Janellen's mother? ) but she should be ashamed too! Both houses were filthy and unfit for an animal to live in! The show should have done an update on these people since the kids had not been returned when filming ended.

Someone asked about the other episode with the family (including kids) staying in tents in the backyard in cold weather because the house was infested with fleas (aired in 2009 S2 EP #4 titled "Bob & Richard"). Those kids weren't taken and it was unforgivable. That was also one house that when cleaned up it still looked as bad as it did when the filth was there. After the clean-up those kids were also given toys, beds & other items to furnish their rooms.

The truth of life has been revealed.
