S1, E3: Manuel and son John
The episode with Manuel, the grandfather who watched his son, John's, kids and got them taken away by CPS really made me mad for two reasons:
1) John said he had his dad watch his four kids because he couldn't afford babysitting. I'm sorry, but maybe you and your sloppy common law "wife" shouldn't have had FOUR kids if you can't afford proper childcare. Don't blame your dad for his house when you had him watch them for months on end without ever stepping inside to see the conditions.
2) John said he had to have a clean house, but when they showed his, it was covered with bugs, filth, gaping holes in the plaster, and dirty towels used as curtains. He calls that clean?! He kept saying CPS only focused on the negative. Even without his dad, John's kids would have been taken away anyway because his house was also repulsive.