MovieChat Forums > Hoarders (2009) Discussion > i can't stand the little blond organizer

i can't stand the little blond organizer

Anybody else detest the little blonde organizer that tries to act like a d**n therapist? Lady, please, you are an O-R-G-A-N-I-Z-E-R...I'm sure she doesn't even have a college degree, let alone a doctorate! But I absolutely adore Dr. Z and Corey!


I think you're speaking about Dorothy, and I think she isn't trying to act like a therapist, but just brings in an emotional perspective to the hoard and outcome for the viewers. Each person on this show brings something to the table. It takes a team to sometimes breakthrough to the hoarders; a therapist is needed, but can't do it alone. Matt Paxton isn't a therapist but sometimes his blunt, no nonsense way of addressing the hoard is more effective than anything a therapist says. I can't imagine any therapist on this show saying what he says. Like tonight when he said "what if I took a dump in that bowl and then cleaned it, would you want out of it tomorrow?" He said it for a reason, she couldn't comprehend the danger of rat urine and feces, she kept saying she could clean it and he had to bluntly state something vile to create an epiphany for her. I like the dynamics this show has with the teams.


I'm also assuming that you're referring to Dorothy--and I agree with AntwoinD's comments.

I think Dorothy is very cognizant of her place in the big picture, therefore I don't see that she's doing anything that looks like she's acting like a therapist. The way I see her, she's just acting like a human being--whose career happens to put her face to face with people whose lives are in turmoil due to their hoarding. That has to have a cumulative effect on her, which she expresses with heart-felt comments to the hoarders she's working with.



I adore her. She is so kind hearted and a hard worker. Plus, she is not afraid to stand up to the hoarder her/himself if she feels the hoarder is treating someone in the family like crap. I've also seen her defend the hoarder from family members. I don't think she's trying to be a therapist at all. Sometimes it's good to have another opinion or someone to lean on who isn't a therapist.

Lestatics # 3


Dorothy is one of my favorite people on the show. She's perky, energetic and she gets things done. She's also much warmer emotionally than most of the therapists they've had on this show. She's a good addition to the show.


I respectfully disagree. I believe Dorothy Is a voice of empathy that balances well with the detached sensibilities of the doctors. She has a great skill at being a "friend" during the process whereas the doctors must maintain a more professional presence with the hoarder. At the same time, Dirothy has the freedom to be the dispenser of "tough love " because she isn't the medical professional,

That being said, I love Dorothy's eternal positive nature and I wish she were one of my personal friends, even though I'm pretty well organized!


She probably labels her vagina...


I can't stand her.


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OP is out of her mind. THAT woman is one of the best things this show has going for it. NO ONE is less judgmental or more helpful/take charge than that Dorothy lady, way more than the licensed therapists. GOD bless her and give her tetanus shots and germicidal baths free for life.


OP is out of her mind. THAT woman is one of the best things this show has going for it. NO ONE is less judgmental or more helpful/take charge than that Dorothy lady, way more than the licensed therapists. GOD bless her and give her tetanus shots and germicidal baths free for life.
My sentiments exactly, kcbrooklyn!

Dorothy strikes me as someone I would love to have as a friend.




I like Dorothy also.

The truth of life has been revealed.


Dorothy really irked me because she seemed to step outside her role. I don't mind her now. She is just trying to help and motivate people.
