BG & Lee and Chris
Just a few observatons I have while I am watching it..
first of all, that 3 story Victorian home is beautiful! They should be ashamed of letting it go like that.
That couple is a train wreck. I am really curious if they stayed together. Naybe someone will find an update.
Am I the only one who was bothered by the fact that Dorothy was wearing shorts in that? I could picture her getting a cut and ending up with tetnus or worse and having her let fall off.. heart broke for him but at the same time he made me love him to pieces. it is of course he has an illness..I'll armchair diagnose him as on the spectrun and also tourettes and others I am sure. You could see that he is obviously very smart and has a sweet disposition. When he was standing in the kitchen with Dr. Chabaud while he was showing her around she said something to the effect of "wouldn't you like to have people here?" Right away he responded with "I like having you here. This is nice" awwwwwe. Another moment was when he was in the kitchen with Corey after his sister said all those nasty, mean things to him that were very hurtful. When Corey tried to get him to slow down for a min and breathe, Chris said ,My sister is upset I have to finish this so she won't hurt"
Keep in mind I am paraphrasing but what he said, I thought was very telling about hi and his love for people, but was isolated from others. At the end he was so thankful to finally have a home. He tossed himself on his new bed like a child singing the "10 little monkeys" nursery rhyme.
It said he was taking advantage of aftercare funds and working with a therapist and an organizer. I hope he has done well.
There is a thread on here asking which hoarder you felt the most compassion for..many people mentioned the man with the rats. I am tossing my hat in the ring for Chris.
sorry for all the keyboard, and not having slept for 72 hours straight, my brain is about as mushy as the food in a hoarders non-working refridgerator..
6 out of 7 dwarfs aren't happy