
The live band and the TV set were the best parts, totally rang true. Nothing else did.

The acting ranges from fair (Dalmatian) to poor (Amazing Randi knockoff guy).

The dialog and story is all over the place. Some scenes are fine, other scenes are ridiculous, with people saying and doing things they would never do. The characters are pathetically drawn and do not ring true whatsoever.

And the whole premise doesn't make sense. This isn't "found footage", it's supposedly a finished product that was released to viewers after the fact? It starts with narration and then stops? How are we viewing Dalmatian's *inner hallucinations* about his wife?

Where was the black & white footage supposed to have come from? It's ridiculous to assert that it was "behind the scenes" footage shot during the normal course of...anything. And the live "TV footage" often doesn't look like real TV footage shot from huge slow-moving 1970s studio cameras either. It regularly is intercut with footage those cameras could not have shot.

Etc. This film is getting way too much praise for such a sloppy, tedious, and NOT SCARY effort. If you liked it, that's cool, I'm glad you had fun with it. But I found it to be completely ineffective and ultimately incoherent.


P.S. I see a lot of other commenters mentioning the 1992 BBC TV movie "Ghost Watch". I checked it out and while I think it too kind of falls apart at the end, it is an absolute master class in realism compared to Late Night. Very well done for the most part, and definitely worth a watch for anyone looking for a similarly-themed movie to compare Late Night to.
