Tash SPOILER ep 7

After Roger phoned Auggie to warn him there was more he did not yet know about Meuller, did anybody else wonder if Tash isn't on the up and up?

She keeps on trying to get Auggie to quit his job, take his eye off the ball he's playing right now. She clearly didn't want him associating with Hayley, even though Auggie did a good job of trying to explain to her it wasn't serious and he needed to play it like that right now.

Is she working for somebody, trying to get close to Auggie again to compromise his mission, especially looking for the bomber of Chicago?

The minute Meuller appears to be dead, Auggie returns home and Tash picks that moment to try to lure Auggie away and walk away from his job and go with her someplace?

Also the way she waltzed into the U.S. when wanted by the FBI makes it look as though she had help from someplace that wanted her in the U.S. and working Auggie.

Because anybody who comes into this country through airport immigration security knows every person who is not a U.S. citizen or has a green card has to put their finger into a fingerprint reader at the immigration desk, so they cannot use fake documents.

That would immediately flag up her warrant from the FBI, if she'd done that in a routine manner. So it makes it look as though she might have been brought in somehow under the radar by someone to compromise the current mission.

After all, she's Russian. Ivan's Russian. It was a Russian courier taking things to Meuller. And Tash was a kind of anarchist and hacker like the wikileaks people.

It's not like she's trustworthy!


Excellent summation, paradesend.

Even when Tash did the 1st hacking for Auggie I didn't trust her and I had some of the same concerns as you - how DID she get through ICE as a wanted by the FBI woman?

NOTE: Yes the drone strike probably killed Mueller BUT we didn't see a body (or strewn body parts) afterward so I'm not sold on him actually being dead.
But then again I'm not completely sold on Tao being dead either - again because we didn't see a body so I might not be the best judge.

Fornell: Well tie me up and call me Loretta.


I like the way you think. In fact, let's take it one step further. Last night, I was thinking - is Jai really dead after all? I still expect him to show up soon. LOL


I do NOT like this Tash chic - barking orders to Auggie - acting all weird, well she's a fugitive and Auggie is risking his career by hiding the ungrateful jealous fatal-attraction bitch!! Sorry I just do NOT like her at all!


Or maybe she's what she seems to be--a borderline psycho obsessed with some guy. If you learned that you were sharing your man with another woman you would not be very happy about it.


Yes. Is this simply a case of Occam's Razor where Tash is concerned?

I fully expected some poor, tragic bunny to be simmering away on Auggie's stove when he got up there.

Or even worse for Auggie--she rearranged all of his furniture, his coded clothes and all his drawers.
