Auggie's watch.

I just noticed [great spy I am] that when Annie leaves end of episode 4.07 his watch. no doubt an expensive one. I assume it can talk to him or does he have another use for it like pulling a wire out of it to garrote someone? It is relatively normal faced watch with its 12 hour spaces. I do think in my now distant past perhaps 30 years or so various digital watches that might have told the time in an odd voice were the rage along with the silly musical ones causing roll call parades much mirth HA HA.

I feel that much of the guise in making him seem superhuman in some respects because of his blindness are soooo over the top. Why does he need a computer screen??

His acute sense of smell disappeared when he walked past Annie on the way to the lift near the end of this episode.

I hear that watches are becoming rarer now that we have our mobile phones.


It takes less to figure out the time by simply touching a watch that it is by pulling out the phone and checking the time using voice over. Remember, Auggie can't just throw a glance at the thing, he has to go through an entire process to get the time (it takes like a minute, but it's slower than actually checking the watch).

Regardless, Auggie's watch this season is The Bradley, which was inspired by true life Auggie - Bradley Snyder, a Navy lieutenant who was blinded in Afghanistan. You can find the website here

Also, the abbreviated version -

More info:

Brad Snyder doesn't make Auggie seem THAT superhuman, huh? ;)


His watch in S4 is a fairly common (for the blind) braille watch. The crystal flips open, and the user can tell by touch where the hands lie in respect to the braille number markings. And Andrejia has already given a comprehensive overview of his new (awesome) watch in S5, so I won't get into that.

As far as why Auggie has a computer screen, if you've watched the show for any length of time, you'll note that his coworkers often gather around his desk for intel rundowns. He frequently calls up images of people and places, so though he can't see his screen, his sighted colleagues need it. Also: Eric Barber, for one, frequently "borrows" Auggie's desk (and leaves behind his detritus, much to Auggie's frustration). He needs the screen, too.

Next: Sense of smell. His olfactory identification of Annie has never been a superpower, nor is it always the way he knows she's near (sometimes it's her "warm, fuzzy aura). It's fallible, especially as their relationship becomes more strained and distant.

Lastly, while there are some moments in the series where Auggie does unrealistic things, what is far more often the case is him doing something totally reasonable that people who are unfamiliar with blind people *think* a blind person "couldn't do." More often than not (far more often), what he does is totally realistic for a blind man of his exceptional background, who's been blind a long time. [Also, pet peeve: People who complain about unrealism in Auggie, but not anywhere else in the show. Re: running in heels, dead wives returning, surviving bombs at close range, etc].
