MovieChat Forums > Covert Affairs (2010) Discussion > I Start to Hate Annie a lot , why... rea...

I Start to Hate Annie a lot , why... read :

Ok I have been catching up with this series the last 2 months , I am now at the beginning of S4. I really start to dislike Annie. Why well

She looks all cute and helpless and wanting to help the CIA etc. But her way towards the males in the Serie ( Auggie Anderson ,Eyal Lavine and Simon Fischer). She acts around them as a schoolgirl in heat (pardon my French)

Sure she is a woman and wants love and attention , but if she cannot see that Auggie has got something on her since the series started ... nooo she needs to get involved with the wrong types. The way she is treating her collegues is discusting. She doesnot think anymore with her head but with her Sexuality.

She put Joan Campbell through Hell and Back. I think she is a selfcenterd snob that totally lost touch with what she is there for. I have lost the connection to her and I do not like her anymore. Every smile she makes , every talk she has with those "love interest" is making my toes curl up..

She needs to wake up and smell the beans.. and start acting like a Agent and not as an easy "fall in love " kind of girl.


I have to admit, I am really starting to dislike both Annie and Auggie. Both of them have descended into a pattern of lying and deceit, not for completion of missions, which would be okay, but for there own selfish reasons. Its hard to watch Annie and Auggie try to manipulate everyone around them, while callously disregarding people's feelings.


They have actually always manipulated people, it's just a bit more obvious now. Annie lied to and broke Auggie's trust for the mission, in the Paris episode; his entire dance with AJJ's character was a mission (he wanted to break up with her when Tash entered the picture, but Joan told him it's better to keep her close).

They're all spies and they do manipulate everyone around them, but it's not for their own selfish reasons, as you say. Both thing what they're doing is getting them closer to the truth. They might be wrong, but that's the game.

And I totally disagree with the OP.


To a certain point, I actually have to agree with you. For instance, I have absolutely no problem with what Annie did in Paris. I do have a problem though, with Auggie manipulating AJJ though merely to protect Annie's secret. His actions had nothing to do with getting closer to the truth, but everything to do with helping Annie lie to her superiors. Joan may have suggested keeping her close, but it was her looking into Annie that made him stay with her.

Of course, I also see it from the character's perspective. I can only imagine how I would feel knowing I had a debilitating illness that is going to ruin everything I've spent my life working for and take away the very thing which defines my ego and gives me purpose. I would be angry and in denial too. On the flip side, though, I would also realize exactly how dangerous my illness would be to those who I have to support in the field. Annie got very selfish when she kept going without revealing her condition.

Also, Auggie was okay with keeping the secret? Annie is one thing, she is still coming to terms with her condition, but Auggie should know better. If Annie's life was the only one in danger during field ops, okay let her go, but that's not the case and Auggie knows it. He also knows how it feels to lose people in the field and think its your fault. In this case, neither of them seem to consider or care how what they are doing will hurt the people around them.



To a certain point, I actually have to agree with you. For instance, I have absolutely no problem with what Annie did in Paris. I do have a problem though, with Auggie manipulating AJJ though merely to protect Annie's secret. His actions had nothing to do with getting closer to the truth, but everything to do with helping Annie lie to her superiors. Joan may have suggested keeping her close, but it was her looking into Annie that made him stay with her.

You cannot be ok with one and condemn the other, it's basically the same thing. Auggie wanted to break up with Hayley when Tash was back, but Joan told him to keer her close because she was investigating them. He investigation went beyond discovering Annie's problem, the NCTC wanted to know if the Chicago thing was properly handled and why Annie was left unscathed.

Also, by keeping Annie in the field, Auggie knows they'll soon find the bad guy. So, by keeping her secret, he's helping her stay in the field. This is simple logic, really: if A imples B and B implies C, than A implies C.


I disagree that its basically the same thing. Annie and Auggie had the opportunity to come clean after Mueller was killed because at that point they thought the case was closed and either could have revealed her condition to Joan or Caulder knowing that both of them would handle it in a way that wouldn't put Annie completely out. Also, I think its very obvious that keeping Annie in the field isn't really about Chicago or finding the bad guy. Its about Annie and Auggie doing what they want regardless of the rules or consequences to other people, including operatives that very well may end up losing their lives because Annie has an episode in the field.

By the way, thanks for the discussion, I enjoy it. I don't get to do a lot of back and forth and you put up a good argument. I can definitely see your point of view on this, even if I disagree a little. :)


You forgot about Roger :)

Annie was coming back to the US after killing Mueller (she said she's been on a plane for 14 hours). I'm not saying she would've gone straight to Joan and fess up, but she didn't quite have the physical time to come clean. As soon as she landed, she saw Auggie's 8 calls - four about her and four about Roger, and Roger was all about 'this ain't over, you didn't catch the bad guy'.

Now, I'm no Annie fan (she's ok, I guess, I'm here for Auggie though), but she knew it wasn't over, she knew she had to stay in the field in order to get to the bottom of this. If you wanna talk about how incredibly badly her heart condition is handled (and how everyone else, especially Auggie, is practically OK with her killing herself - because that's what she's doing, being under so much stress with a medical condition like that), now that's another thing.

Look, these characters are not known for their moral superiority. Auggie is arrogant when talking about his job, especially when he's referring to himself as an Army man, but he never once claimed he's got some high morals. Neither did Annie and frankly Joan pulled some pretty awful stuff. So they're going to keep doing their job being selfish and disregarding other people's feelings, because they think getting the job done - taking down the bad guy- is worth it. I disagree and I really hope that at the end of the show they'll realize it's not really worth it.

And I completely agree with you on Annie having an episode in the field, but that's just part of the bad ways this storyline is handled...And, well, you know, they really wanna make Annie the superhero.


Okay, I will grant you Roger, but while catching the bad guy is definitely part of the equation, I don't think it is the true driving force of their deceptions. I think her primary motive was staying in the field, and I think Auggie is just trying to protect her. In that sense, she and he are both acting selfishly, but I understand why based on the personalities and life experiences of the characters. I think perhaps I am allowing my dislike of the character's decisions to translate to dislike of the characters, and I know that's easy to do in a TV show.

Looking in from the outside its easy to see how this can backfire in their faces. What would Annie do if she had an episode and got an agent or asset killed? She, and by extension Auggie, would have a hard time dealing with that. Its like these two very intelligent people are making decision with life and death consequences like those consequences don't matter, and its hard to not go "what the heck?". Of course, this is a TV show and not real life, so obviously I am vastly over thinking it. It just go to show how easy it is to invest I guess. :)

On a completely different note, that got me thinking what her long-term plan actually was. She had to know that eventually people would find out, if not from Auggie or her, then from an episode in the field or a slip up over her medicine, treatment, etc..., which has already happened. I wonder what her eventual out was going to be? Was she going to have the surgery in the future, or was she just playing it by ear and hoping it would work out?


I think her primary motive was staying in the field, and I think Auggie is just trying to protect her.

You are completely right and this is this season's leitmotif. I do think we are shown that Annie *has* to be in the field (for all the reasons I stated above); I mean, she had a meeting with the DCI which she blew to run after some piece of intel (which, in reality, I think it would cost her more than just a suspension).

Why she needs to stay in the field was presented in that ep with Eyal, where she said being a field operative is all she has left. I completely disagree with her and she can feel like a martyr as much as she wants but the truth is she still had many who cared about her, she just decided to feel sorry about herself. And while I don't like it at all, I think I understand her.

About that long term plan...I don't think she had one. I don't think she has one now, either. I think she's in the mindset like "Let's get to the bottom of this mission and then we'll see", only that 'this mission' becomes the next one and so on.

But I'm sure of one thing: how this thing will play out, what it will take to find the guy behind the Chicago attack and all that will definitely make her reconsider things. And I'll have to stop here with my speculation because I read spoilers so...:)


I'll say this much, the producers are giving themselves a lot of outs this season if the show isn't renewed. She could just not go back to the agency, go back in a administrative or analyst role, end up with romantically somebody, or even die if they want her to. All of which they have the potential to be plausible, at least in the Covert Affairs Universe. :)

As to the playing the martyr, I will say that I don't think she's really had time to process everything. Since the agency found out about her heart condition, only a few days have past in the show's timeline. The problem is for us viewers, weeks have past, so we feel like she ought to have dealt with it by now. Again, not saying I agree with her attitude, but like you, I get it.

I am hoping that the McQuaid angle doesn't devolve into the cliche frame up, but that would leave him guilty and I have to admit I like his character. At least if he is being framed, I hope they pull someone really interesting as the mastermind behind everything.


Regarding her martyr status, I was more referring to last year's events. And yeah, turns out, McQ was framed and the mastermind IS interesting :)

And yup, there are many ways this could end if the show doesn't get a S6. The questions this season asks are - can you really have romance AND be a spy? and who do you trust?

Last season's original ending had Annie quitting CIA and reuniting with Auggie, which was changed when the show got renewed. As there have been several hints (given by the writers and CG) that the audience will be "satisfied" with how the season will end, I'm thinking they haven't quite planned a cliffhanger (like a real ambiguity, such as that Wilcox giving Annie that file at the end of S3); it will be very interesting to see if they stick to the original plan if they get S6 or change it, as they did last year.


I think this is an accurate description. Sure Annie has gone on missions, but I dont seem them as sacrifice or missions that mean risking yourself for the country. And yes, she's all cute and helpless in looks--which as a spy hasnt changed one bit across the various missions! And thne to scold her superiors of letting her continue in the field when she has a heart condition--hypocritical, since they dont send a blind Auggie in the field much and Annie is ok with that.


I have to remind you all , I basing my post from S1 - S3 . I am still watching S4. So basicly all you say is still coming up for me.

I only tell you that her character (annie) is loosing interest for me. I begin to watch the show more in its whole.. Annie, Auggie and all the other members of the CIA. For me , concentrating on Annie , will loose my interest completely . So maybe maybe in the next few episodes she will catch me again.

But to me she is a puppy needing attention and love , no matter what the costs.


a puppy ignoring her masters



I like mcquaid too, I seriously hope he is on the right side. now annie I think is struggling both personally and professionally a lot has happened to her. is she still cooping with it all plus now has health problems. maybe, some bad plot writing timing issues maybe. joan seems to be holding back a new secret, there are a lot of characters with a lot of secrets and stories and they sometimes all get jammed packed together. its confusing and makes the show drag along at times, but I still like it and what to see how it all winds up with no prejudice. and always hope for more seasons.
