Holy crap. From her whiny little tantrum that she threw (so.. what you think because you are the great and fabulous Annie Walker they should overlook your serious medical condition that has jeopardized EVERY SINGLE ASSIGNMENT you've been on since you got it??) to her complete disregard to the fact that she had put other people's jobs in jeopardy because she is incapable of following directions and rules (because once again, she's Annie Walker and she "had to").
God she's a total bint. Here's hoping they kill her off and replace her with someone who's not such a self-centered, narcissistic tool.
exactly. I appreciate some one who judges Annie accurately unlike the massive fans on facebook and elsewhere who want her as their superhero and hate Hayley Price and think this is a love show.
Really? Integrity? She slept with the man she was investigating. She then said ok to hiding what she found about Annie's heart problems since Auggie told her to (so it was like she put her boyfriend want way above her job morals). And the best thing? She told on Annie like a child in kindergarten after seeing her boyfriend with another woman.
And did I mention that during her speech to Auggie she mentioned how she didn't care he was sleeping around? Such integrity!!
She wasn't investigating Auggie. She's investigating the bombing in Chicago. And she didn't say OK to hiding what she found out about Annie, she said she'd think about it and refocus her investigation for a while on other aspects, but never agreed to hiding it. And as for her telling on Annie "like a child" she realized the man she thought had integrity was using her, and that anything he told her was suspect -- therefore she had no reason to consider his point of view regarding Annie any more. If she realized Auggie was stringing her along and HE had no integrity, it stands to reason that his excuses for not revealing Annie's condition were something less than stellar as well and removed any consideration. That's not acting like a child -- that's realizing you are being played and lied to.
And so what if she didn't care if Auggie was sleeping around? What's that got to do with her integrity? You can realize someone is a total piece of crap and not care about them any more that has nothing to do with your own integrity.
And so what if she didn't care if Auggie was sleeping around? What's that got to do with her integrity? You can realize someone is a total piece of crap and not care about them any more that has nothing to do with your own integrity.
Well, after all this, HE kinda broke it off with her, which made her a bit angry - see speech when she brought him his stuff. And her entire attitude and the way she stormed off that bar, plus her words to him, made it seem like she was totally OK with him sleeping with another woman. Now, would someone with the integrity you keep saying she has, be so OK with the guy she's going out with to have affairs? I'd really say no.
I do get your POV, honestly, you dislike Auggie and tend to over accuse him; for me, he's the only reason I'm watching the show, so I'll always defend him, even if I don't agree here and there :)
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Tend to over accuse Auggie? Based on what, his actual actions? That's not accusing that's stating facts.
And your opinion of Haley is coloring your perceptions. She didn't storm off in the bar, she walked out on his blatant BS and gave him some actual home truths - that he was attempting to blame her for the break up and make her seem like the bad guy in their relationship when all the time HE WAS USING HER FOR HIS OWN PURPOSES.
The point you fail to comprehend is that she wasn't pissed about the affair -- because she realized the larger betrayal -- that SHE was actually the other woman and he was only using her to get what he wanted.
The bigger betrayal here is NOT that he was sleeping with Natasha but that their entire relationship was in fact a lie.
Annie in fact met Hayley briefly, knew she was investigating her and Chicago and yet just said hi. Next episode or so, she screams as you say, like a child when she doesnt get her way. They should have put her in the field with the most dangerous mission, let her suffer and then show her what she wanted.
It is laughable that Annie is considered a good field agent when she routinely compromises herself on a mission by sleeping with people she is either told to stay away from or investigating! What bothers me is that she shows allegiance to people she knows for 5 minutes while disregarding the advice of the people she should trust or have known for much longer. She isn’t even credible by TV show standards as a good field agent especially with her written in health issues.
The writers keep shooting themselves in the foot by putting Annie in bed with anyone for no other reason than to meet their sex scene per show quota! The person fans wanted on the show whether it was as a potential love interest or just reliable and believable confidant is Eyal, but having her fall for every Tom, Dick and Harry newbie of the week/season only makes her look slutty and rather unprofessional. I’d rather her be partnered with Eyal, even if it weren’t a romantic coupling than force feeding us her falling for ever person she’s told not to trust.
Hey, maybe that’s the way fans of Eyal/Annie can get their wish, if Eyal is teased as being a bad guy and her bosses/friends tell her that he can’t be trusted, I guarantee that Annie would be showering after having already having sex with Eyal 5 minutes after she was given the warning!!!
I WANNA CONQUER THE WORLD... or at least the tri-state area
It is laughable that Annie is considered a good field agent when she routinely compromises herself on a mission by sleeping with people she is either told to stay away from or investigating!
Except in the real life clandestine operations there is a practice of seduction/sleeping with someone/"making them fall in love" as a means of recruitment or gaining information.
"I am allowed to think everyone is stupid for 10 minutes."-- Randy Susan Meyers
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I’m aware of that real world scenario, but in this TV show scenario it’s our operative that does all the falling in love and compromising in the course of her mission regardless of what she’s instructed.
I WANNA CONQUER THE WORLD... or at least the tri-state area
Are you suggesting that it's only "the enemy" who would resort to using seduction as a tactic? And that the United States is above doing so?
Though, if I recall, Annie was "instructed" to use seduction on Simon. And I also vaguely remember Arthur having had a relationship with an informant in East Germany according to one of the early episoded.
"I am allowed to think everyone is stupid for 10 minutes."-- Randy Susan Meyers
You keep missing my point. I’m not dissecting the issue of using seduction in the field; I’m making the point that Annie is always the one being seduced. She always has to back track to consider if the person she is investing in is really on her side because she usually seems to fall for the very person she is supposed to be cultivating as an asset or someone she is investigating.
While I am not a big fan of the show “The Americans” on FX I can at least use Kerri Russell’s character as a contrast to Annie. On that show Kerri’s character has routinely used sex to manipulate her targets/an asset, but her mission or purpose is never compromised. Her character has an almost robotic like focus when it comes to her objective in this regard; Annie on the contrary seems to get pulled in and is along for the ride more so than she has ever been in control of a situation.
Annie sort of Forrest Gump’s her way through a mission and things work out in the end despite the fact that she often switches her allegiances several times throughout an operation. I get that you like the pouty mouth spy, but understand I’m not debating tactics here, I’m pointing out facts about this character and how we have seen her operate in the field.
I WANNA CONQUER THE WORLD... or at least the tri-state area
I’m not dissecting the issue of using seduction in the field; I’m making the point that Annie is always the one being seduced. She always has to back track to consider if the person she is investing in is really on her side because she usually seems to fall for the very person she is supposed to be cultivating as an asset or someone she is investigating.
While I'm not disagreeing that overall Annie is a fairly ridiculous depiction of a spy, the character is specifically different than the one on The Americans. Since Annie was specifically chosen for her emotional attachments. That's the charcters design. She's emotional, Elizabeth is not.
If you're looking for a realistic portrayal of a cold, objective spy and their tactics and whatnot, you have the wrong show.
I get that you like the pouty mouth spy...
If you think that, you clearly don't "get it" or anything about me. So let's keep on point talking about the show and it's characters and not bring me or what you think about you know about me into it. And I'll do the same for you. Since both are irrelevant to the conversation.
"I am allowed to think everyone is stupid for 10 minutes."-- Randy Susan Meyers
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it’s our operative that does all the falling in love and compromising in the course of her mission.
She did it with Simon, she did it with McQuaid, and I think she was willing to compromise the mission for Ben. When Annie keeps falling for her mark or somebody under investigation, she is no longer in control. If she weren't such a Mary Sue, she'd have gotten a lot more than just permanently "grounded" a lot earlier in the show.
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What makes you think she's being "seduced"? She's a young, healthy woman. Is it so hard to believe that she just wants to have sex with someone? I don't see this constant criticism of Auggie who would bang a drum if he could.
The difference is that Auggie doesn't have sex with people who are the subject of the investigation which now Annie has done twice. Who Auggie is with rarely affects the investigation itself. Hayley was the exception and even then her influence over the investigation started when Auggie's relationship with her was almost over.
The difference is that Auggie doesn't have sex with people who are the subject of the investigation which now Annie has done twice. Who Auggie is with rarely affects the investigation itself. Hayley was the exception...
That's a joke right?
Was Liza Hearn, the reporter in season 1, an exception too?
Natasha in season one, Auggie was asked to use his past relationship with her. He went on the run with her. In Season 5, he was asked again to use it. Because he was sleeping with her he failed to act and Annie had to get the drive with the code.
"I am allowed to think everyone is stupid for 10 minutes."-- Randy Susan Meyers
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