A Comment From A Grizzled Old Couch Potato
Going on about 37 years. I lost track of this series because of RW matters. I remember how the show's gradual progression to less and less light-hearted material was paralleled by Piper's equally gradual jading; the"anesthetic" she had to build up from learning things the hard way. Later on down the line, they finally had her using firearms as her missions and such became more and more hairy. Don't get me wrong; I'm not a violence junky or a gun enthusiast. I don't need any gunplay at all in a really good episode that doesn't call for it. But, considering the subject matter, I feel a little is called for. However, I do think they chose wisely not to have her packing from the word "go".
I can't recall much about the story arcs (look closely at my avatar ) except there was an on/off attraction between Piper and Auggie. Both actors are great in their parts IMHO. I've been a fan of Christoher Goren ever since "Oddessy 5"(sp). I also have a vague memory of a long term arc with the two married officials and the various messes they get in and out of.
I am a cool scene/sequence addict, however. I think the episode I'm going to refer to is in early 3rd season. But, as already noted, my memory is suspect at times.
The opening sequence has Piper meeting a gentleman and escorting him somewhere. The Rolling Stones' "Gimme Shelter (Just A Shot Away)" plays behind it. The tone of the on screen action and that of the song matched up perfectly IMHO. Again, a long term, hard core TV nut here. No misplaced hyperbole, I promise. That was seriously one of the coolest TV sequences I've seen in decades The cinematography (if they call it that in TV, not sure) was outstanding. I'm going to catch up eventually via Netflix. To you hard core fans, I'm really sorry "Covert Affairs" was canceled. SO been there, done that.
In a world of vampires,one must be careful not to say "Bite me" to the wrong individual