A lot of people have missed the point of this documentary
This documentary shows us that we are doomed to repeat our mistakes as history repeats itself over and over again. Even though, ironically, Stone thinks we still have a chance not to. He seems to think we should be more enlightened not to follow the same path as those before us in history but I would say his documentary shows us the exact opposite and that that there's a high percentage we will follow the same path as those before us.
The pattern of one group of humans dominating another will set to continue. China will be the next focus for the U.S., as Stone illustrated. The U.S. has military bases all over the world and will look to check any aggression as they continue to dominate.
The fact that this documentary is about the U.S. is largely irrelevant. In the past it was the British, the European powers, the Mongols, the Romans, the Persians, the Babylonians, the Egyptians, who dominated the world. It's just so happens that at this moment in time/history the U.S. has the 'baton'.
In the end it seems humans are incapable of lasting peace, fairness ect and that one group has to dominate another. There's always conflict. It's been happening since the dawn of civilization and will continue into the future. Those calling for peace JFK, MLK, ect.. get shut down by the aggressors who perceive them as weak.
The idea of a utopia where poverty, war, sickness is irradiated and that everyone in the world is free and happy will never happen. If anything it's going to get worse. Sure, humans are living longer but the gap between the poor and rich is ever widening and will continue to do so under the capitalist system we have in place.
It used to be for every winner there has to be a loser but now it seem for every winner there are 900 losers. The top 1% of the population has the same wealth as the bottom 90%, just like the class structure of the past with Kings at the top and the peasants at the bottom. It's inevitable that there will be a breaking point, the govt will crack down and the police state will take over.
Even if there is a revolution were doomed to repeat the same pattern by installing a well-meaning democratic leader. The democratic system is merely a ruse, an illusion to pacify the masses as the elites retain the real power. It's happened so many times in the past, why shouldn't it happen again?
In the end it's the elites that dominate the masses and that's it. It's not even about the U.S. against the rest of the world. The elites see the general masses of the U.S population just like the rest of the worlds poor. Cattle that need to be controlled.
Were doomed to repeat this pattern of existence.