biased, yes, but -

There is little doubt that this documentary is somewhat biased. The bias exists in various forms such as one-sided story telling, use of biased descriptive words (felt/hoped/thought - it's hard to know what Stalin felt/hoped unless he had a diary), and somewhat flawed presentation of facts (all of the violent pro-capitalist regime changes were instigated by USA, while all of the violent pro-communism regime changes were naturally occurring ones. While it's true that the odds of a violent pro-communism regime change being natural (with staggering wealth gaps and all) are higher, during the cold war some of these were directly instigated by USSR.

BUT - having said all that, there are many great points made - and what's especially interesting are the points which are made when analyzing the timeline of the world conflicts.

1. Most of the lying/betraying/misunderstanding seems to occur with a regime change.
In other words, anytime a leader of a nation is changed, there is a pretty good chance that the long-term promises made by the predecessor will not be kept.

So, it would appear that the flaw of democracy in communist and capitalist states alike is the short duration of leadership - which means that at any point of time, we are 4 years away from a potential Armageddon.

2. Furthermore, yes - USA has in fact committed numerous atrocities, time and time again. I wish that this documentary also had a bit more info on numerous previous empires - where a single trend remains, the more dominant a country is in the world, the more atrocities/crimes against humanity it commits.

3. When looking at the previous regime changes instigated/planned by the USA, the current Ukraine crisis has all the makings of USA being the main instigator - and there are numerous facts that support that notion.

4. People are sheep - very dumb sheep. There is a lot of evidence currently out highlighting the atrocities committed by the USA and USSR governments alike - yet people continue to believe their leaders and many willingly go to war thinking that they are 'protecting' their country when all of the evidence points out that they are being used as pawns/cannon fodder.


U.S.A. U.S.S.R. Russia and America. Honestly, 2 sides of the same Bullet.


Not enough praising the Swiss. Always.


Biased, but also many factual errors. Even shows a map where Japan has conquered India. Thinks it's stupid that Japan did not invade Russia when Germany did and that the only reason was that Hitler looked down on the Japanese race when in reality Japan had little direct interest in conquering Siberia, but did need the Indonesian oil reserves. All this in just part of episode 1. Stick to movies, Oliver, and leave history to actual historians.
