Anyone else surprised by his portrayal of Nixon?
He basically said that Nixon did a 180 late presidency and his party superiors (neo-cons and such) may have been the ones that had him ousted.
This was the most curious of the documentary to me. Most liberal media and political outlets (and most conservative, too) portray Nixon as an outright Neo-con, stupid, corrupt, power-hungry.
This is the order of his presidential ranking from WWII on:
1. FDR
2. JFK
3. Nixon
4/5. Clinton/Obama
This was simply fascinating to me. From Nixon's trip to China to his enactment of the EPA. Both of these flew in the face of neo-con militarism and corporate environmental interests.
I also never knew that Ike went from a pretty liberal-ish guy to a neo-con himself in his later years.
It has inspired me to take a deeper look into Nixon.