Based on a friend's recommendation, I just started this original Showtime documentary series, and it's an amazing show so far. I've only gotten through the first two or three episodes so far, but I'm hooked! Veteran legendary filmmaker Oliver Stone narrates and directs this series- which attempts to cover American history, beginning with WWII, from more of an international perspective.
Now I'm not terribly far into the series as of yet, but so far I'm not seeing the evil America some other users have mentioned this show depicts. While not perfect, it seems Stone's series is portraying America's loss of innocence more so after the atomic bombs were dropped on Japan- as a way of expressing U.S. military might more for the Soviets' sake.
A lot of this stuff in this show I was already aware of, but yes there are a few things here and there that I didn't know about- like this guy Wallace, FDR's original running mate/VP- he was awesome! What would this country- and the ultimate state of the world- have been like had HE continued as Roosevelt's backup instead of the amateur-ish Truman-?? Well, I would definitely recommend this show. I can't wait to continue my viewing of the rest of the series!
Wow; you're "such stupid and naïve" yourself. Why don't you explain what you disagreed with me on instead of your hate speak. And learn how to spell while you're at it ("belive")... LOL
You're such stupid and naive because you got yourself fooled by this pseudo historical turd and oliver stone's narration of ,,unsung hero'' and that if he had been elected instead of Truman he would have changed everything, prevented cold war from breaking out and of course made world a better place. And you just believed in what you were watching, you believed in all this *beep* stone and kuznick told you about him in their show. If you had done some research about the topic, you would know that Henry Wallace wouldn't have been better than Amateurish Truman, because till 1'950 or 1'952 more precisely he was deluded by commies and he admitted to it. If he had been elected as president, he would have most probably ,,prevented cold war'' (it means agree on soviet take over of western europe, south korea and ,,share'' them atomic bomb secrets) and appointed soviet spies into Secretary of State and Secretary of Treausry, and intelligence, army, and so on. Truman wasn't greatest president either, he ,,lost'' China (I should have used stronger world for such idiocy but...) by sending Marshall there and also got himself fooled by soviet spies, but he at least wanted to contain communism in Turkey, Greece and South Korea and setted up foundations for creating NATO, Marshall Plan and Whole cooporeation of free world which eventually led to collapse of totalitarian soviet system. It was something other from what Wallace would have done (screwed up)
I didn't say I believed everything in Stone's doc; I just said it's a different perspective- was critiquing the events as told by Stone, and his film(s). In fact, if you check out my original post, I use words like "Stone's portrayal". Like "JFK", for instance, historical fiction -- the, what he called, "alternate myth" to the myth we were all sold. You should check out a doc sometime called "Hitler: The Greatest Story Never Told", if you haven't already. It's like 6 hours -- the whole thing is on YouTube for free. And like this doc, again, just gives you a different perspective on the lies we were all told in the history books.. well, we in the states anyways, since I dunno what country you're from. I don't necessarily believe everything (or certainly do I agree on everything) in this doc, but certainly an interesting, eye-opening watch...
Allright. I can agree with you now. I got carried away, i admit it. Yes, this ,,series'' is something other from official version of history (One Sided and biased, but nevertheless). And i will watch this videos about Hitler, i don't like stuff like that but I'll check it out.