Is Stone a flat out communist?
I'm only three episodes in. I see he has another film about his buddy Hugo Chavez. That would be a red flag right away but he makes the US look like monsters for Japanese concentration camps as well as the two atom bombs. Meanwhile he glorifies the war achievements of the Russians constantly. He implies that the defeat of the Japanese was only made possible because they entered the pacific theatre rather than the 4 year grind and heavy bombing of the mainland. He quickly dismisses Stalin's atrocities to his own people in the 1930s and then makes it appear that Truman's foreign policy prompted Stalin to react in such a way that we had the Cold War. Why is this guy so apologetic about how the Americans went about conducting themselves? Does this guy really believe we would have been better off with a world shaped more like the one Stalin wanted? Where would he be and what freedoms to make films would he enjoy then?