Spin-off series starring Pamela Adlon announced
Sounds interesting.
Sounds interesting.
Hell he can't even keep up with his own show.Is the her show going to have a sporadic hiatus everytime he gets tired as well?
shareMaybe the extended hiatus will allow his show to stay great for longer.
I'm not bitter,I was just saying how is he going to take on another project when he gets burned out doing what he is now?Im fine with his process for the sake of quality,it just sucks for the fans to have to wait a two years between seasons.I guess if it keeps him from exploding Dave Chappelle style it's worth it.Hes extremely lucky to have a network that puts up with it and supports his vision.
Truth is neither of us know the true reason for the break down in the schedule.He has a contract AKA a job.He isn't able to fulfill the contract.Why??? Besides being fried it could be family,health,other commitments,blah blah blah.For most people telling an employer that you need to take a leave until you feel like you can do a good job again will result in laughter and said employer telling you to kick rocks.Dont say it doesn't suck for us,it may not suck for YOU,but this guy is getting paid to entertain and while he has done that thus far,the viewers will get tired of it and find entertainment elsewhere.
Look,I get it,quality over quantity,and I appreciate that.I totally agree with everything that you are saying,BUT,if you sign on to do a show you do it.Successful shows are successful for a reason,consistent writing and on time delivery.Either he can do it or he can't.
It looks like he can't.I love Louie and I love the show but the delays make him look like a lazy pûssy.
I would rather have 6 episodes of Louie every few years
Your name is perfect!
Dipshyt_Deluxe has just changed his name to Skipshyt_Deluxe folks.
If you can't stand behind your name you can't stand behind your words.
You changed it back?I thought you didn't change it?
What a little poosay!
image for user Dipshyt_Deluxe
by Dipshyt_Deluxe » 1 minute ago (Thu Sep 10 2015 15:13:28) Flag ▼ | Reply |
IMDb member since October 2014
I didn't change it back. I changed it. You thought it would hurt my feelings that you were so clever to think of 'dipshyt,' so I'm simply pointing out that your efforts (or lack of) are futile.
We were having a pretty decent conversation about commerce vs. art, and then you had a mini-stroke and turned into Jan Brady. You could use a Snickers.
image for user Dipshyt_Deluxe
by Dipshyt_Deluxe » 5 minutes ago (Thu Sep 10 2015 15:27:58) Flag ▼ | Reply |
IMDb member since October 2014
No, not to show you whose boss. To show you that your witticism is pretty ineffectual.
You 'agreed' with my saying 'I agree' and then immediately contradicted it. Besides, it was just a conversation. It's not like I was calling you names or anything.
I AM 13, and, like I said - you've been repeatedly intellectually bested by someone who is 13. What does that say about you?
Something about 7:30 am and 7:30 pm they are the same sunlight to me - Dean Briss
Hey dude,props for owning it,and props for sticking up for a good show.
Telling the truth about your age takes big hairy balls.
BTW,give the thesaurus a rest,just give a legit point of view and acknowledge the responses you get.Dont be a know it all prick,that will fly here but in real life someone will beat your ass.
Can we get an age limit here?
Christ on a stick
You got me!
You fat hipster pickle smoocher
Doesn't really seem like a spin-off in the traditional sense. I mean, she's raising three daughters? That's not the same character that's in Louie.
31, white, male, straight.