I can only speak for myself, of course, but I found this show to be interesting albeit fake at the beginning. The items brought in to the shop were pretty cool. Then it became a failed sitcom. How many stupid things will Chumlee do today? Let's follow Rick to the rifle range. Oh, Corey's mad about something and wants to be a partner. This was followed by fewer items being brought in while we watched those crazy Harrisons pursuing their shenanigans. On top of this, it looked like they were briefly trying to make that bookworm chick, Rebecca, into some kind of television "babe". Suddenly, she's all dolled up and wearing very expensive clothes (and she works in a bookstore?).
If you watch one of the first episodes and then a recent one back-to-back, you'll see they are very different, and in a bad way. My guess is that the History Channel invested a huge wad of cash on this thing and is committed to playing it out until the end of the contract.