It's time to put "The Old Man" on an ice flow.
Jeez, if I didn't know better I'd swear he's already been embalmed. They should do an episode where they put his comatose carcASS on a slab of ice and push it out into an ocean. When he fades into the distance and comes to you you'd be able to hear him yelling:
"What is this damn thing? What did you damn kids do? This doesn't make any damn sense! You damn fools are going to get your damn butts kicked. Get me off this damn thing! Wait til' I get back to the damn shop! I'll kick your damn butts and then fire you damn fools. I own that damn business! You damn kids don't know anything!"
This would be followed by the use of, at least, 100 more uses of the word "damn" and ridiculous threats of damn butt kicking before the ice melted enough to where he slipped under the waves. Now, that would be some DAMN good TV! Hilarious!