MovieChat Forums > Pawn Stars (2009) Discussion > The real pawn shop reality wouldn't be e...

The real pawn shop reality wouldn't be entertaining

Yes, mostly everyone at this point realizes the show is staged. Even the "legit" people have things worked out with the producers way ahead of time. The main point is that this is in no way representative of how an actual pawn shop operates. Most of these places get visited by the crap of society trying to pawn their grandmother's gold filling or VCRs in order to get their next fix or bottle of alcohol. I just laugh my ass off at the thought of waves upon waves of people bringing in items worth thousands to a pawn shop. Also, when you watch some of the money they claim to shell out for some of these items it's comical. They would've been out of business years ago if they were spending $30,000 or $50,000 on the amount of stuff they do. Who in the hell are the reselling this stuff to that quickly? Like they have an endless supply of people just handing them $75,000 for anything they might get.
