MovieChat Forums > Pawn Stars (2009) Discussion > Chumlee's alleged sexual assault victim

Chumlee's alleged sexual assault victim

Unsubstantiated reports the alleged assault victim was a female employee of Gold and Silver Pawn.

A woman, identified as an employee of the Gold and Silver Pawnshop (the same shop featured in the show), filed charges of sexual assault leading police to search the house of Austin Lee Russell.



The pawn shop just doesn't seem like a good place for women to work. Unless you're an actor brought solely onto the show.



And it's a good place for sexual harassment lawsuits.


Any workplace is only as good/bad as the people who work there. Hopefully someone acts at the first sign of trouble, in a "Right to Work" state (like Nevada) any employee can be fired without cause at any time. Contract workers may be terminated in accordance with their contract, which in such states are generally very pro-employer.


Chum didn't do anything, the truth will come out. I'm sure it's just some chick who wanted some of him and his money and when he passed she played this card.


And how do you claim to know this?


hes going to be in the tyson and cosby club


Hope it's not Lily. Don't know if she still works there since I haven't seen the show lately, but she's such a sweetie.
