will it get pulled?

Seems like other channels pull shows from their schedule when a major person involved with it gets arrested. Look at Cosby for example. So are they going to stop showing this show, keeping in mind they didn't when Corey got into that bar fight and had the assault charges.

"God must love stupid people because he made so many of them"


If there's a god


Highly doubt it.

You need a bigger scandal like a killing, or where some minority getting slighted or allegations of sexual abuse / rape are concerned to bring a show of this magnitude down.

Chumlee getting busted with drugs and guns seems only bad for Chumlee. At worst he gets fired. At best he gets to keep his job but gets demoted somehow.


A show of this magnitude? Surely it doesn't get more than 2% audience?


Sure it's not Game of Thrones but it is one of History Channel's biggest shows. The point being: if it hurts their bottom line they won't cancel it.


They found the drugs and gun while doing a sexual abuse investigation

"God must love stupid people because he made so many of them"


Doubt it. One of the most popular shows on History Channel. Something like this will probably bring in more ratings!


If the show gets canned then it will make my day.


That's why there are other channels.


Well if you look at some of the other so called reality shows where a star has a run in with the law or a sexual transgression you will see they disappear very quickly. Honey Boo Boo, the Duggar mess, no Cosby reruns anywhere, Sons of Guns, Billy the Exterminator. Sad to see they are sneaking a few of the disgusting Duggars back on TV again. Anyone think of any other cancelled for these reasons


Looks like History will be showing Pawn Stars as usual on Wednesday. It wasn't pulled, even though the biggest star just burned out. I wonder if they will blur Chum with the censor thing, and bleep all of his lines? Or just edit him out entirely?


If more comes from the sexual assault allegation then I believe IMHO they'll pull the show. Especially, if the allegations have really bad stuff in them...not just he-said, she-said stuff...there would be a lot of groups calling for its cancellation and sponsors running away. But overall, we shall see. Like noted, they've managed to sneak a few of the Duggars back on the "Learning Channel." Why are those people on TV? Why should we care? Oh yeah, they're showing how they are "surviving." Geez...what passes for History, and Learning programming...what the hell.

Dave "Crown Time" Blankenship for Time Man of the Year.


I think History will do what they did with American Restorations. They'll get rid of Rick and co. And they'll bring in five pawn shops to showcase. They already had that terrible Cajun Pawn Stars show, maybe they'll come back and be one of the five shops.


I think this is the last calendar year for PS. Dick #2 has indicated that he wanted to stop doing the show this year.

Dick #1 is at death's door. He doesn't care.

Dick #3 can't carry the show. He likes the paycheck but I don't think he likes doing the show.

Russell now has baggage regardless of what happens in the courts. Rumors will fly and his bankability as far as TV goes may be limited. His time with PS and History is
likely done.

Harrison will probably try convince History to retool the show under another name. His name is too closely associated with the Pawn Stars brand to let "unknowns" screw up his personal brand or change the viewers perception of the Harrison-led version.


I wonder how many completed episodes History is sitting on? An interview with Rick mentioned they weren't filming when Chumamania was arrested. I think we'll see nothing but reruns going forward. History won't be filming any new episodes after the show's biggest star turned into a black hole.


It's possible there is enough non-Russell film in the can from previous years that they could cobble together episodes sans Russell. The opening credits would be problematic but not impossible to remedy.

Even if they have episodes in the can, Harrison could say, "Fark it, I'm done. It's been a good run. You know where to send my residual checks. See ya."


As you well know I lost interest and faith in the "History" Channel but did something happen with Rick or his family (of Rick's Restorations/American Resto.? Was he caught hiring illegals or something..lol...Or was it just they weren't bringing the ratings, even with their new shop? Sorry for my ignorance...I just keep seeing people mention it...wondering if I missed something.


It appears the entire original cast of the American Restorations show was fired, because History wanted to take the show in a "different direction."

Rick made a teary eyed thank you video to his fans, which got posted on YouTube. His message was short, and the rest of the video is a photo montage.



"Montage." Everytime I hear that word I think of "Team America" from the South Park creators...that song...

Maybe they should have showed more of his wife in scantily clad clothes?

But back to Stone Cold Chumlee Austin....maybe he can get a new show?

Dave "Crown Time" Blankenship for Time Man of the Year.


Stone Cold Chum Austin's next show will probably be celebrity rehab or whatever similar shows there are.


Shouldn't that be Stoned Cold Chum Austin? In a revival of Where Are They Now?


There's always Wrestlemania. I mean the non-wrestling legends that have appeared in it...Lawrence Taylor....Mr. T.....catapult his career straight back to the D-List.

Dave "Crown Time" Blankenship for Time Man of the Year.
