MovieChat Forums > Pawn Stars (2009) Discussion > Why Do They Change Experts So Darn Much ...

Why Do They Change Experts So Darn Much For The Same Things?

I know they've had more than one person be the experts on the same things at different times. For example:

Restoration - Rick Dale (Okay I understand him getting his own show I'm just saying)
Now: Bob Yuhas

Autograph Authentication - The show started with that woman Brenda,
Then: Drew Max
Now: Steve Grad

Weapons - Sean Rich
Then: Craig Gottlieb
Now: Sean Rich is back

Automobile Expert and Restoration man: Wally
Then: Danny Koker (I know he has his own spinoff show too)
Now: Bill Tsagrinos

I'm sure there will be someone who will say "Well maybe the different guy in the same field has slightly better knowledge in different parts of the same field as the originals" but I've paid close attention and their replacements have done assessments and appraisals of the same things.

So I'm wondering why do they change specialists so much on this show? I mean why did Sean Rich go away and Craig come in? And why did they kick Craig to the curb and bring Sean back? That kind of thing. Or why did Drew stop being called and why did Steve come in? I liked Drew better than Steve. AND what happened to Wally????? He was great. I love Danny but Wally seemed like that real old-time old-town guy who came from a real humble time. I wonder why they didn't bring Wally back when Danny went off to get his own show. That kind of thing. Anyone know?


Apparently Drew Max has a pretty awful reputation as an authenticator. I guess it takes more than a giant magnifying glass.

As to the others, yes people have come and go, who knows why? One side or the other may decide it isn't working out.

Blog post with speculation about Sean Rich's absence, with updates about his return:

I wonder why Dana Linett (Early American History items) left.


Sean left because TLC was demanding he do no other authentication outside the show. I think most left due to TLC demands. Others were morons to begin with



As long as they never replace Rebecca for old books, they can have Pee Wee Herman as the expert for everything else for all I care.


100% agree.. they need that one guy to bring a book in every week, I don't know who has a bigger crush on Rebecca, that guy or Rick.. Or me lol


That's true. Rebecca is GORGEOUS. I've had a crush on her since the first season. She's so elegant, cultured, heck even her hands are beautiful. She can peruse through my books any day and I'd be happy.


And who could forget about The Bearded Wonder, who seems to know everything about anything!


He maybe knows a lot but his refusal! To put a value on anything makes him useless for the show.


All part of the script....


I love how at a moments notice they can summon any expert, what do these people all hang outside the pawn shop waiting to be called in???


I would think they get some sort of retainer fee.


You ask 'why'? Because it is just another fake, scripted show.
