Arrest report released
"I smoke a lot of weed." ~ Austin Russell speaking to police officers conducting search
"I smoke a lot of weed." ~ Austin Russell speaking to police officers conducting search
I don't understand why media keeps mentioning the gun. Owning a gun is not illegal. Was the gun not register or something?
When I die, I want to be buried face down. That way whoever doesn't like me can kiss my ass.
He was an "unlawful user" of drugs. Unlawful users of drugs cannot have guns in their possession according to Nevada laws.
He had posession of meth too
share'During the course of the police search, according to the report, the cops found and seized marijuana, methamphetamine, drug pipes and other paraphernalia, lots of ammunition, and 12 guns, including handguns, revolvers, rifles and shotguns, some of them loaded.
Four of the guns were registered to Russell.'
Is anyone here familiar with Nevada laws concerning guns and drugs? Being every state is different, and apparently him being an "unlawful" drug user with a gun in Nevada is a crime...are there serious repercussions for this violation?
Dave "Crown Time" Blankenship for Time Man of the Year.
NRS 202.360 Ownership or possession of firearm by certain persons prohibited; penalties.
1. A person shall not own or have in his or her possession or under his or her custody or control any firearm if the person:
(a) Has been convicted of a felony in this or any other state, or in any political subdivision thereof, or of a felony in violation of the laws of the United States of America, unless the person has received a pardon and the pardon does not restrict his or her right to bear arms;
(b) Is a fugitive from justice; or
(c) Is an unlawful user of, or addicted to, any controlled substance.
A person who violates the provisions of this subsection is guilty of a category B felony and shall be punished by imprisonment in the state prison for a minimum term of not less than 1 year and a maximum term of not more than 6 years, and may be further punished by a fine of not more than $5,000.
Drugs recovered per the arrest report:
138.7 grams (4.95 ounces) marijuana
1.7 grams (0.06 ounces) methamphetamine
7 white Xanax "Zanie" bars (2 mg each x 7 = 14 mg)
10 yellow Xanax "Zanie" bars (2 mg each x 10 = 20 mg)(yellow bars are time release)
and Russell has a room in his house called the "Chum Chum" Room with Dance Pole.
Better get a good lawyer and get to rehab.,,,,NOW!
Dave "Crown Time" Blankenship for Time Man of the Year.
I recommend Chum hire this guy: Maybe he can practice in Nevada as well, bringing his talons of justice to Chum's defense.
shareFrom the Texas Law Hawk's website:
1. You have the right to be free from unreasonable searches.
Explanation: The Fourth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution protects you from “unreasonable searches” by law enforcement officers.
It also means that cops can’t enter your house without a warrant based on probable cause under most circumstances.
How it helps: Any evidence obtained through an unreasonable search is inadmissible at trial. This means that the prosecutor cannot use the evidence to convict you, so the case becomes weaker—and more likely to be dismissed.
How to use this right: This depends on what is being searched, but here’s a general rule that applies to all 3 situations below: Never physically resist, but don’t ever give consent to searches.
If an officer wants to search your house, don’t open the door and allow police officers inside your home without a warrant. You don’t have to talk to police, even if they say that you have to or loudly pound on the door. If you choose to talk to them, ask if they have a warrant without opening the door. If they say yes, ask them to slip a copy under the door. Quite often, police will threaten to kick open the door and arrest everyone if the homeowner doesn’t talk with them or come outside. Just remember that you have the greatest constitutional protections inside your house, not outside.
Remember: once you let cops inside your house or step outside your front door, you have waived many of your rights.
Yep, first thing ask to see the warrant. Never leave your house or business have the right to stay there and basically watch them search your house. They find a safe, play dumb. They're gonna say they're gonna take it and open it, you have no choice but to open it but unless it is in the water rant from what I've been through and heard, I'd say it is not mine and I don't know the combo but that's just me. If you don't know your rights they will step all over you. Unfortunately, I've been in bad situations and from what they told me they were impounding all my cars, etc...we all stuck to our guns and at the end of the day......cops left, no charges filed. Whole thing based on a hater tow truck driver saying a Mercedes that he towed to my shop he "thought" might have been stolen. Which of course it wasn't and we proved it. But they tried their best into making me and everyone else do whatever the hell they felt like. It's tough but stick to your guns.
Dave "Crown Time" Blankenship for Time Man of the Year.
And he might have a sexual assault charge too.
Any "they're not my drugs" defense that may have been put forth by an attorney could be hard to argue because Russell admitted he smoked a lot of weed to the police and at first refused to open the bedroom vault. He eventually opened the vault because, well, search warrant and that is where the marijuana, meth, and Xanax were found.
Yep, Russell lets his friends store their drugs in his house, in a locked vault that only he can open. That'll go over well in court.
In my state, drugs are found in YOUR house, unless there are others there at the time of the bust, and they decide to admit to the drugs and take the charge....YOU as the homeowner are taking the charge. Case closed. If there are multiple people there and nobody wants to admit to the drugs then often they will take Everyone to jail and the courts will figure it out but more than likely the homeowner is gonna get the charge. Seen it many times unfortunately.
And as I said before, to have a warrant to search his house then somebody is Aledging something, probably on paper. Now, a lawyer could argue the drugs were taken without merit, esp. if no sexual assault charges come down.
He's taking the rap for the drugs.
Dave "Crown Time" Blankenship for Time Man of the Year.
The search warrant specifically mentioned that "narcotics and narcotics paraphernalia" be seized.
Prosecutors used his admission that he "smoked a lot of weed" for the prohibited person in possession of a firearm charge. The officers saw evidence of drug use, found drugs, found firearms, and had an admission by the suspect. Officers called the prosecutor upon the admission by Russell and obtained a piggy-back warrant to seize the firearms.
Guess he's never heard "Don't say anything...just ask for a lawyer!"
So he talked himself into a charge...
Dave "Crown Time" Blankenship for Time Man of the Year.
He really is as stupid as he appears to be on TV.
In Nevada, felons cannot own OR possess firearms. If convicted, he has to say bye-bye to all his pistols, rifles, and shotguns. If (and that's a big if) he remains on the show, no more firing or handling firearms.
I found it interesting that the arrest report makes no mention of money being found. In the early days of the show, I remember seeing a photo of the interior of Russell's car and there was a bundle of cash laying on the console. So he wasn't shy about flashing his money.
But no stacks of money in the house. Drug dealer? Should be lots of money around, especially if he has TWO vaults. Personal drug use? D-list TV "star" who has flaunted his money before but no money mentioned.
Also, on the arrest record, his latest employment was listed as "Pawn Stars" - that should put to rest any ideas that he still works for the Harrison's or Gold and Silver Pawn.
Employment : "Reality TV star/faux Pawn Store Employee"
I know here as in probably every state felons can't have firearms. I saw one report were he may have had a previous felony "conviction" but that was the only one. And as I believe every state that's 5 years. Some states may have allowances for parole. good time, etc...not sure. I thought it was 5 years flat but states are so overcrowded who knows.
But I too think the big question is are there more charges coming....
Dave "Crown Time" Blankenship for Time Man of the Year.
What's his felony conviction?
sharehe made a plea deal. so he is going to be on probation after probation is over the felonies turn into misdemeanors
share"I smoke a lot of weed." ~ Austin Russell speaking to police officers conducting search
For a guy who made such an admission and has felony gun/drugs convictions, he can expect to fill a piss cup every time he sees his probation officer. Good luck with that, dipstick.
*beep* piece of sh it! Scum Lee!
shareAlways shut your mouth and don't say anything but "I want my lawyer."
Dave "Crown Time" Blankenship for Time Man of the Year.
The purpose of the warrant was to retrieve bedding, take swabs and photographs of Russell